Earth sciences concern the Earth’s entire physical makeup and the history of the physical and biological events that occurred within and upon it over the past four and a half billion years. Earth scientists are curious about the whole Earth, from its ancient past to its present and future, and they use the tools of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and other sciences to study the Earth.

At Ohio State, students choose from four specializations for the bachelor of science degree:

  • The geological sciences specialization
  • The Earth system science specialization
  • The geophysics specialization
  • The petroleum geology and geophysics specialization

Mission Statement

  • To advance our understanding of Earth as a dynamic and complex system, its past and present evolution, and its resources and vulnerabilities
  • To assess human impact on the Earth system, and the implications of global change for the biosphere, society, and regional and global economies.
  • To educate the next generation of scientists, researchers, teachers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and environmental professionals.
  • To promote a better informed populace within the state of Ohio, our nation, and worldwide.