The Master of Accountancy allows the student to pursue one of two programs of study:

  • The Financial Accounting/Audit program is designed to develop competent accountants, who are knowledgeable in financial processes and procedures and are able to provide and interpret sophisticated financial information for the business community.
  • The Tax program prepares individuals for entry into, as well as advancement in, professional tax practice.

Career information

The Master of Accountancy is designed to prepare students for careers in business, internal audit, government, consulting, and public accounting. The primary goals and objectives of the program are to develop competent accounting professionals who are knowledgeable in the various areas of professional practice and who possess:

  • the ability to provide, interpret, and communicate financial and operating information essential to understanding the activities of an enterprise;
  • the preparation to assume increasing levels of responsibility and leadership in the organizations they join; and
  • the qualifications to enter advanced programs in business and/or accounting.