The MLS program is designed for non-lawyers who work regularly with laws and regulations, and could benefit from a greater understanding of the law as it relates to their field in a current or future position. Enrolled students may select from eight tracks including health care and criminal law, or work with an advisor to design an individualized concentration that fits their career needs. Part-time and full-time options are available to complete the MLS.

An MLS degree can help an employee stand out within an organization or profession as someone who can interact with counsel, protect ideas and organizational assets, assess the need for regulation and work efficiently with changing legislation, such as health care reform and compliance. MLS students take some of the same classes as the JD students studying to become lawyers, but are able to take fewer classes, and focus on the specialized areas that will specifically enhance their careers.

Who can benefit from a master of legal studies?

Anyone who works regularly with lawyers, or with laws and regulations. like corporate and non profit managers, accountants, auditors, government employees, realtors, engineers, scientists educators, health care professionals, court employees, law enforcement personnel, and human resource professionals. Or anyone who wants to bring legal knowledge to their work, such as librarians, information specialists, journalists, authors, and scholars. Anyone who wants to enhance their professional value or redirect their career, or who has always been interested in the law and wants to learn more about it could benefit from the MLS.