Master of Science candidates must become proficient in the advanced levels of reservoir, drilling or production engineering. Drilling involves all aspects of wellbore drilling, casing design and cementing, and well completion. Reservoir engineering deals with all aspects of modeling the reservoir, studying fluid movement, and maximizing oil and gas recovery. Production is primarily the work of removing crude oil, gas, and water from the reservoir to the surface and separating and treating each fluid.

Entering master?s students will be advised on curriculum by their assigned Petroleum Department advisor. The advisor will also schedule the Qualification Exam with the student. The student, in consultation with the advisor, will select a Master?s Committee. The Master?s Committee will consist of three or four professional people who are adequately experienced to advise and judge the merits of the particular master?s work. At least two members of the Master?s Committee must be from the Petroleum Engineering Department faculty, including the student?s advisor. At least one member should be from faculty of other departments at Montana Tech. Other members can be from industry, or business, or other academia, providing their experience and interest is appropriate. All Master?s Committee members must agree to serve and must be available in-person for, at least, the oral thesis defense. The Department Master?s Advisory Committee must approve Master?s Committee members, and any changes in the advisor or committee members.