•  Students also consider the roles of sight, insight, and perception in relation to processes of making from the foundation level onward. Critical dialogue and rigorous expectations about studio practice support work toward a young artistic vision in upper-level courses.
  • The sequence of seven semesters of Painting courses is intended to provide a solid base for postgraduate involvement in the larger art world. In the foundation year, observational studio work is combined with inventive assignments as a means for students to learn about medium, form, content, broader artistic concepts, and the kinds of questions they wish to address with their work. The post-foundation sequence includes Painting II and Painting III in the sophomore year, Junior and Senior Painting Studios, Painting Techniques I, and three semesters of seminar courses. Students have their own studios in the upper level and work in individual conversation with the professor and in group critiques with one another to develop a cohesive and ambitious body of work and to refine artistic voices. The BFA Painting major culminates in the BFA thesis exhibition, which includes a written component.
  • Students are also expected to develop a strong drawing practice and to verbally critique and write about their own and others’ work.  Writing and visual research are strengthened in three semesters of Art History. A range of additional studio electives encourage students to see and make creative connections between diverse practices.