Physics is the study of matter, motion, force, and energy ? from the very small (quarks) to the very large (the universe), and every length scale in between, including the rich variety of phenomena we encounter in everyday life. Physics draws from and inspires developments in mathematics, and underlies the modern understanding (the ?why?) of astronomy, chemistry, geophysics, engineering, and technology. During their studies, physics majors at Boise State University also have opportunities to do physics, by engaging in physics or astronomy research projects with faculty in the areas of nanoscience, biophysics, condensed-matter physics, computational physics and astronomy. In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of how the world works, physics majors develop skills of observation, analysis, model-building, and problem-solving that lead to success in a broad variety of careers in industry, government, law, education, and the professions, such as law and medicine.The general physics track provides a thorough grounding in all areas of physics, preparing students for a variety of STEM careers or further studies in graduate school. The emphasis tracks add focus to the fundamental physics coursework by including specialized elective courses: