• The Masters of Arts Degree in Biostatistics is completed in 4 semesters.
  • Candidates for this degree are expected to earn 48 units with courses in biostatistics, statistics, public health, and biology.
  • The 12-unit minimum enrollment requirement per semester may be met with independent research or seminar courses.
  • Students must enroll for all four semesters of the program.
  • Students pursuing the MA degree in Biostatistics will be expected, upon completion of the program, to be well-versed in the following areas:  
    • Understand the foundations of statistical inference, e.g., maximum likelihood estimation, regression.
    • Have fluency in statistical programming languages for both analyses using classic methods and implementation of novel methods.
    • Identify and apply sound and pertinent methods to address statistical inference questions in biological, public health, and medical research.
    • Effectively communicate research findings, orally and in writing.
    • Have a grounding in a theoretical framework and the ability to apply existing estimators in the following categories: Computational statistics, Multivariate analysis, Categorical data analysis, Survival analysis, Longitudinal data analysis, Causal inference, Clinical trials, Statistical genomics, Statistical computing.