• The program is unique in its interdisciplinary emphasis. Faculty are drawn from a large number of academic departments representing five schools and colleges. The program is designed for outstanding students who desire expertise in multiple disciplines and are willing to take on new challenges by working alongside faculty involved in research at the forefront of computational science.
  • Graduate study in computational science, engineering, and mathematics comprises three areas:
    • Applicable mathematics
    • Numerical analysis and scientific computation, and
    • Mathematical modeling and applications.
  • Within these broad areas, the student may take courses in applied mathematics and statistics, data science, numerical analysis, and scientific computing, computational mechanics and physics, parallel computing and computer architecture, and mathematical modeling, and in supporting areas in science and engineering.
  • Students perform research in a broad range of areas, including scientific computing, uncertainty quantification, machine learning, numerical analysis, optimization, visualization, computational medicine, computational geosciences, computational materials, computational life sciences, computational physical sciences, computational engineering, and many more.