The master?s (M.Ed.) degree in Higher Education Leadership prepares, trains and educates students to become leaders in the administration of colleges and universities. This degree is part of the Program in Higher Education Leadership (PHEL) which also offers?doctoral degree programs.

The master?s program is designed to develop knowledgeable and skilled professional administrators in such higher education career areas as:

  • student housing,
  • organizational and leadership development,
  • services for special populations,
  • financial aid,
  • admissions,
  • learning skills development,
  • counseling,
  • health education,
  • recreation, and
  • similar programs and services in colleges and universities.

The master?s program allows students to take an interdisciplinary approach to higher education leadership. Students can tailor their program to fit their interests while building a knowledge of higher education administration. Our graduates possess an understanding of the role a university or college plays in society, and the ability to work within an ever-changing higher education environment.