students from Humboldt State University study patterns in interactions, experiences and life outcomes?particularly as they relate to group membership. For example, fathers in the United States are more likely to actively participate in day-to-day parenting than they did 50 years ago.?

In explaining these changes, and in identifying structural changes needed to bring about different social arrangements, sociologists study race, social class and gender. Sociologists also consider culture, social movements, globalization, deviance and crime against communities and their environments. Few disciplines have such broad scope and relevance. Indeed, sociology seems to offer something for everyone who is anxious to understand the web and rhythm of human behavior.

A career in sociology could include an academic career, but most students of Sociology are employed outside of education. They work in every sector: government, non-profit, research and business. Society is increasingly in need of people who can understand the complexities of a multicultural society. Sociology graduates offer a unique understanding of the social world and possible social solutions to major social issues, as well as the day-to-day issues faced by every organization.