The Bachelor of Science in Business Management (B.S.B.M.) graduates from CALUMS are expected to work entry to junior level administrative positions in business organizations as classified under United States Department of Labor?s Standard Occupational Classification code 43-0000, 41-0000, 13-0000.

  • Provide an intimate knowledge of, and practical skills in, modern techniques of management practice that can be implemented in organizations so that those graduates may step into positions of responsibility in any organizational setting.
  • Provide a clear understanding of ethical and behavioral concerns that managers face in the workplace to encourage respect for the individual and the environment.
  • Allow hands-on experience in using a computer as an analytical and managerial tool.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Business Management (B.S.B.M.) program will be able to:

  • Express and demonstrate the different roles of human resources in an organization.
  • Apply basic mathematical tools and techniques in evaluating the organization.
  • Identify strategies and operational plans available to the organization.
  • Demonstrate the role of information systems and technology in assisting businesses with management and operations.
  • Be educationally prepared for employment in a position of their choice and to continue their studies toward a graduate degree, if they choose.