While management and business lectures are delivered at The University of Glasgow, the GSA elements of the programme are geared towards providing students with a skillset in design process and critical thinking. The programme is delivered over one year, in three stages of 15 weeks via a series of taught workshops, tutorials, studio projects, lecture and seminar based sessions and self-directed learning. The emphasis of the programme rationale is on the interplay between user-led practices of Design Innovation, underpinned by the social, technological and economic context of contemporary business management models and design practice.

Students will be expected to engage in a high level of self-directed learning, research and independent critical reflection, as well as participating in the taught elements of the course of study in studio projects.

ÊThe programme aims to prepare students for several potential pathways in a future career: entry into a professional design/management consultancy environment; work as an independent consultant; start-up enterprise; entry level management post in MNC, SME and public sector; further academic study by research.