The utilisation of stem cells in the clinical arena is one of the most exciting areas of medicine today. The programme offered by the University of ChesterÊis designed to enable you to develop an up-to-date, advanced understanding of this exciting area of medicine and clinical research. Regenerative medicine has the potential to impact on conditions as varied as spinal injury, coronary heart disease and type 1 diabetes.

Why study this course with us?

You will receive training in the skills required in the reading and interpretation of the literature and translating that into evidence-based practice. We aim to develop your research and writing skills so that you will be in a position to contribute to the scientific literature in an effective manner.

The course culminates in the Research Dissertation, which will be assessed through your production of two articles in the style of published scientific work.

If biomedical or clinical research is your interest, successful completion of the MSc will allow you to directly register onto PhD study and join our team of researchers at Chester Medical School.