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ComparisonBiotechnologyElectronics & CommunicationDTU New DelhiMAIT New Delhi

Should I go for biotechnology in DTU or an ECE in MAIT IP?

Posted On - Jan 12, 2021
Asked byGirish Singh
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Jan 12, 2021
Ayush Sharma

Many students struggle with the college vs branch dilemma. You should choose the branch that you are more interested in. DTU is definitely a better college than MAIT. But you should make a choice depending on the course. In which field you will like to work for the rest of your life takes precedence over 4 years of college. The starting salary package of ECE at MAIT may not be lucrative. But you should definitely choose the option if you have an interest in ECE. 

The table below can show a brief overview of the Universities.


Biotechnology DTU


Average CTC

13 LPA 


Course Fee (1st year)

1.66 lakhs

1.1o lakhs

Entrance Exam 

JEE Mains/JEE Advance


Deciding Factors:

  • People will advise you to opt for a reputed college. Since better college offers jobs with better salary packages. This is true to some extent. But one of the main aspects of jobs is job satisfaction. If you do not like what you are going to do for around 300 hours a month, it will take a toll on you. It is better to pick a line of work you like over a high paying job with the line of work you do not enjoy. To do that you have to give priority to the specialization over brand name.
  • While starting out after finishing college, salary should not be your main concern. You should focus on honing your skills in your field. The first 3-5 years of your employment life should be about learning the most about your area of specialization. Since most of the institutes do not offer a curriculum that meets the needs of the industry. 

You will have a lot of time to earn money, but you will not get the opportunity to learn and explore new things later in life. So, choose the branch you are passionate about.
