Why study at ?
  • Radboud University is the only university in the Netherlands that covers the complete research field of Neuroscience, from cognition to behaviour, and from subcellular processes, to single-cell analysis, big data, computational modelling, behavioural sciences and advanced machine learning.
  • You will perform your internships in one of Europe?s largest Neuroscience Institutes, the world-renowned?Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour?(DI), and one of the leading research-oriented teaching hospitals in the Netherlands, the?Radboud University Medical Centre.
  • The program is tailored to your needs and is flexible. You can choose to perform your internships in other prestigious institutions elsewhere in the world or perform double major with various high-profile Master?s programs at Radboud.
Career prospects

With a multidisciplinary and forward-looking education at the cutting-edge of modern neurobiology, graduates of the Neurobiology programme have a wide range of options, including in:

  • fundamental and translational (disease-oriented) research in various fields of Neuroscience, working in universities, research institutes and teaching hospitals
  • research and development (R&D) in pharmaceutical companies and biomedical industry (including neurotechnology-focused companies)
  • science management, policy, advisement and communication positions in (inter-)governmental, private, academic, and health sectors

Innovative research projects often result in unique knowledge and products that might have commercial utility. Several of our graduates chose the entrepreneurial path, bringing their knowledge into the market.

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Master?s Open Day on 16 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit www.ru.nl/masters/openday.