Are you planning to sign-up for Dutch Style Education? Studying in the Netherlands, or as also known as Holland, is the newfound viable study abroad choice among international students. Gaining its popularity among Indian students as well, Netherlands enrolled over 2,500 Indian students for the year 2018 (MoE). Each year the Netherlands hosts international students from over 160 countries across the world and one out of every tenth student studying in Holland is international. 

The Netherlands was the first non-native English speaking country to offer English language programs to its students. There are over 2,100 English language programs currently running with colleges/universities in NetherlandsFrom the 27+ listed institutions, 13 are recognized globally and are ranked among the top 2% of world universities. The quality education in the Netherlands does not come at a sky-rocketing price. Education here is affordable and if you still find it difficult to fund your studies, there are a variety of scholarships available to study in Netherlands

Why Study in Netherlands?

The Netherlands is a welcoming nation with open-minded and tolerant people. A melting pot for diverse cultures, Netherlands is also considered one of the safest student destinations. With boat ride trips to lakes and canals, moderate climate, a view of woods, and lazy weekends on the beachside, we may say, why not study in Netherlands. Let us dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes the Netherlands a popular study destination among international students to find out what all is there to be offered:

  • Wide-range of English programs: The Netherlands is the first non-native English speaking countries to offer English taught programs to students. There are over 2100 programs available at Dutch universities offered entirely in English. This the maximum among entire continental Europe. 95% of the Dutch population communicates in English, which not only makes it easier to study an English-language program but understanding your educator is also a piece of cake. 
  • Value for Money: The tuition fees and cost of living to study in Netherlands are lower than in English-speaking countries. Dutch higher education is subsidized by the government making it affordable for students from across the world. With a world-standing reputation and relatively lower costs involved, studying in the Netherlands gives you the true value for your money. Parallel to affordable education options, there are plenty of scholarships available for international students. You can also choose to work for certain pre-defined hours on your Netherlands student visa while studying. 
  • International and Multicultural Environment: International students from all over the world come to study in Netherlands. It is the crossroads where British, German, French, Chinese, and many other cultures meet. With students from 160 nations coming to pursue higher education in the Netherlands, you can always look to fall back at your niche and find your kind to enjoy your stay and study in the Netherlands.
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Dutch Universities offer modern, well-designed facilities and courses along with a teaching style focussing on teamwork. The coursework is designed with a strong emphasis on good personal relations between educator and student and indulgence in teamwork. The Dutch universities aim at developing your academic skill and the ability to perform with a team. Practical elements are also integrated within the course structure. Partnerships with universities and companies, the colleges in the Netherlands have a high emphasis on relevant practical experience.
  • Opportunity to Travel: Netherlands enjoys its accessibility to other major European cities by being centrally located in Europe. You can fly to locations like London, Brussel, Paris, and Berlin that are only an hour away from Amsterdam. So while studying in the Netherlands, you can also fulfill your dream of backpacking in and around Europe.
  • Future Prospects and Career Opportunities: Holland currently secures the world’s 18th largest economy tag on its name. With Dutch looking forward to educating and retain talent through their orientation year (a residence permit of one year to find a job or to start a business within three years of graduation), international students can enjoy being part of this growing nation. From opportunities working with some of the world’s largest multinationals like KLM, Shell, Phillips, ING, Heineken, and Unilever, you can also enjoy working with start-ups or own your own business after completing your studies in Holland.

Where to Study in Netherlands?

Higher education in the Netherlands is known for its quality and aesthetics. To find out more about where to study in Holland, one must take a brief overview of the Dutch education system, institutions, degrees, study programs, and popular student cities. 

Broadly categorized into- Research Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Institutes for International Education, University Colleges and other institutions are the major higher education providers in the Netherlands. Some of the popular universities that make it to the QS and Times Higher Education Rankings are:

Popular Student Cities in the Netherlands

It is fairly easy to see and explore the range of rural and urban locations that the Netherlands offers. Though the country has emerged as a popular and well-established study destination for international students, some of the cities in the country yet experience the major student load. The popular one’s among these are:

  • Amsterdam: Home to two of the top Universities- University of Amsterdam and VU Amsterdam, the city is famous for its hordes of cyclists, cafe cultures, and buzzing nightlife. Amsterdam also featured among the world’s top 100 cities for students as per QS Best Student Cities Index. An art lovers paradise, Amsterdam is home to world-renowned galleries and museums. 
  • Leiden: Strong-ties to the European art world is how you recognize Leiden. Beyond the city’s historic buildings and scenic canals, one of the major attractions is the oldest university in the Netherlands- Leiden University. It is located around an hour’s drive from Amsterdam and offers students with close-knit, student-centered, society 
  • Utrecht: This ancient city surrounded by the countryside escape, is the fourth most populated city in the Netherlands. The city offers fair-share of buzzing nightlife and cultural scene and is home to the third highest-ranked university in the country. 
  • Groningen: The largest city in the north of the country, it has attractive gabled houses and the University of Groningen which ranks among the top 150 in the world. 
  • Rotterdam: Home to Europe’s biggest port, Rotterdam also houses Erasmus University and the Delft University of Technology. 

What to Study in Netherlands

From Associate degrees to Ph.D.s, the Dutch education system offers you plenty of programs to study. The hierarchy of postsecondary programs offered at institutions in the Netherlands are as follows:

Program Duration Credits
Associate Degrees 2 years 120
Bachelors at Applied Science Universities (BA, BEng, BSc, BA, etc) 4 years 240
Bachelors at Research Institutes (BA, BSc, LLB) 3 years 180
Masters at Universities of Applied Science (MArch) 1-4 years 60-240
Masters at Universities of Applied Science (MSc, MA) 1-2 years 60-120
Masters at Universities of Applied Science (LLM) 1 year 60
Masters at Research Universities (MA, MSc) 1-3 years 60-180
Masters at Research Universities (LLM) 1 year 60 
Professional Doctorate in Engineering  2 years 120 
PhD 4 years -

Applying to Study in Netherlands

There are two systems through which you can make your admission applications for studying in the Netherlands. You can either apply directly through the institute or apply through Studienlink- an online centralized application portal. The choice of program and institution decides how the applications will be sent in. In some cases, international students are also required to use the combination of the two to apply for their choice of the institute. 

Application Deadlines

Generally, the deadline for universities in the Netherlands is May 1, but this may vary for some programs. Applicants are suggested to tally the deadlines of their program through the official website of the university. For Numerus Fixus programs the application deadline is January 15

Numerus Fixus Programs: Certain programs that have a limited number of seats available. For these programs, the selection and admission process varies. You can confirm whether your program is under numerus fixus or not through the official webpage of the college/university. 

Admission Requirements to Study in Holland

For the level of study, you wish to complete in the Netherlands, you will be required to provide proof of previous education equivalent to the Dutch education system. For Indian secondary school and high school qualifications, their Dutch equivalents have been mentioned below:

Indian Education Dutch Equivalents Required for Admissions to
Standard XII Diploma or Equivalent HAVO/Senior general secondary education Bachelors programs
Bachelors Higher professional or research education bachelors, based on the degree Masters programs
Masters Higher professional or research education masters, based on the degree Ph.D programs

English Language Requirements

For students from non-native English speaking nations, English language proficiency test scores are required that are:

  • TOEFL: 550 (pBT) and 213 (cBT)
  • IELTS: 6.0 with a band of 5.5 on each.

The requirements may vary depending on the program and institution but for most programs, the minimum test requirements are as mentioned-above. 

Netherlands Student Visa

As soon as you enroll in a program, the host institution contacts for beginning the application for Netherlands student visa process. In case, the institution does not contact the student, you can contact the international office for help as for a student visa for the Netherlands, your host institution needs to start the basic application process. If you wish to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days of study, you will need an entry visa (MVV) and a residence permit (VVR). As soon as your host institution is sent a letter of approval from the immigration services, you can begin the process of applying for the MVV at the embassy in your home country.

Application Fees: 172 Euros (14,800 INR)

Getting the Entry Student Visa to Netherlands (MVV)

  • Students can collect MVV immediately from the nearest Dutch embassy.
  • Passport with validity of at least 6 months and biometric information is required to be submitted while collecting the MVV.
  • The deadline for collecting MVV is 3 months from the date of the issue. However, it is valid for 90 days from the date of collecting it from the embassy.
  • With this provisional residence permit, an international student can travel to the Netherlands.

Getting the Netherlands Student Visa (Temporary Residence Permit)

The residence permit takes 2 weeks to get ready after a positive decision. A letter is sent to the university indicating that letter is ready. International students are required to book an appointment with the Immigration Department at the desk stated in the letter to collect the residence permit. Any anomaly or incorrect information can also be corrected at that time. 

Documents Required for Netherland Student Visa

  • Proof of acceptance to Dutch university
  • Financial Stability to cover two types of funds required are:
    • Tuition Fees: Varies according to the university
    • Study Norms: Equals the amount required for living expenses such as accommodation, meals, etc.
    • The minimum required amount of study norm for a residence permit are tabulated below:
Application Type Monthly Amount (in EUR) for Higher Education Monthly Amount (in EUR) for Vocational Education
Self Financed 900 740
Financed by a Sponsor staying in Netherlands By Couples: 2,712;
By Single Person: 2,170
By Couples: 2,551;
By Single Person: 2,007
  • Proof of English lanaguage proficiency
  • Maintaining academic performance. 

Cost of Studying in Netherlands

When you choose to study in the Netherlands, you open your doors to cheaper education options in Europe. For an international student, cost is one of the most important factors that affects the choices he/she makes. Your tuition fees and cost of study in the Netherlands are relatively lower than other popular study destinations. Let us find out the average cost of study involved when you plan to pursue your higher education from the Netherlands. 

Tuition Fees for Studying in the Netherlands

The average tuition fees for a non-EU student pursuing education in the Netherlands are:

  • Bachelors programs: 6,000 to 15,000 Euro (5 to 12 Lakhs INR)
  • Masters programs: 8,000 to 20,000 Euro (6 to 17 Lakhs INR)
  • MBA in Netherlands: 9,000 to 51,000 Euro (7 to 44 Lakhs INR)
  • MS in Netherlands: 10,000 to 81,000 Euro (8 to 69 Lakhs INR)

Though the cost of pursuing MBA may seem high, it is the lowest as compared to UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. 

Want to find out the exact amount of the course? Find the database

Cost of Living in Netherlands

A student spends an average of 800 to 1100 Euros a month while studying in the Netherlands. Based on your lifestyle choices, university, location of housing, and other similar factors, the costs involved will vary. Given below are the basic costs an international student must be aware of before planning their education abroad. 

Expense Type Costs 
Accommodation 300-600/month
Coffee 2 Euros
Cheese Sandwich 3 Euros
Dinner in a Student Restaurant 10 Euros
One-way Ticket in Public Transport 2 Euros
Cinema Ticket 11.50 Euros

Scholarships to Study in Netherlands

Some of the popular scholarships to study in Netherlands are listed below:

  • Holland ScholarshipOne-time scholarship available to international students applying for bachelor's or master's programs in the Netherlands. It offers around 500 Euros for the first year of your study.
  • Orange Tullip Scholarship Program India: Available to Indian students applying for bachelor's or master's programs with partner universities. The awards waive up 25% to 100% of the tuition fees.
  • Orange Knowledge ProgramOffered to international students. The amount and the eligibility criteria for the scholarship vary based on the choice of program and institution.
  • L-Earn for Impact Scholarship: Offered to citizens of developing nations. Award amount ranges between 10,000 to 22,000 Euros. 
  • Joint Japan/World Scholarship: Offered to a national of the world bank member of developing countries. The grant covers tuition, health insurance, round trip, and living expense. 

In case you do not find a scholarship to study in Netherlands you can work part-time on your residence permit for up to 16 hours per week. Work-Study in the Netherlands allows you to earn as much as 600 Euros/month. 

After Studying in Netherlands

After completing your studies in the Netherlands, you can either choose to continue your education or even begin working in the Netherlands. Dutch education gives you endless possibilities for a successful future. You can proceed further in life with a PhD from the Netherlands or opt for another nation to continue your studies after completing your education in Holland. 

Working in Netherlands

The Dutch government and Nuffic put in their best foot forward by offering students to settle and work in the Netherlands through their orientation year. It is aimed at retaining the foreign talent for the Dutch labor market. The orientation year lasts for 1 year and you can apply for the same within three years of graduating. 

The pay scale offered to graduates from Netherland Universities is really high. Some of the top universities and their highest payscale recorded for pervious years is depicted below:

Payscale Offered to Graduates of Top Universities in Netherlands

The average yearly salaries recrorded across the country are around 58,000 Euros. The country is an attractive study abroad destination because of its 96% employment rate. Almost, 84% of the international students get placed before the completion of their degree in the Netherlands. The salary range depends upon level of education and field of study and pursuing in the field of engineering or technology may help you earn up to 75,000 USD.

The Following table provides a list of high paying jobs in the Netherlands after education in Netherlands

Job Roles Yearly Salary (in Euro)
School Teacher 46,000
Sales Manager 98,600
Biomedical Engineer 50,300
Legal Assistant 30,600
IT Manager 90,400
Network Engineer 49,800
Project Manager 65,200
Civil Engineer 51,200
Business Analyst 69,100
Architect 70,800

A salary trend report suggests that there has been an increase of 4% of the average annual salaries in Netherlands from 2016-17, a further rise of 3% is observed from 17-18. Similarly, another 3% rise has been observed over 2018-19 in the average salaries offered in the Netherlands. 

All these things together make-up the Netherlands one of the most attractive and upcoming student countries. The international student crowd chooses to study with nations that alongside offering excellent education can help them settle abroad. Netherlands is one such country that will welcome a professional with open arms and offer them opportunities equally to the national residents of the country.