But you?ll also get a broad scope of cyber security to include mathematical, organisational, legal and ethical aspects, with particular attention for privacy issues.

Although this Master?s specialisation is an excellent stepping-stone for students with ambitions in academic research, most of our graduates work as consultants, managers or researchers for companies that specialise in cyber security or that heavily rely on ICT security.

Why study at ?

  • This specialisation is offered in collaboration with the Eindhoven University of Technology, meaning you get taught by many of the best cyber security experts in the country.
  • The focus of this specialisation lies in the technical core areas of cyber security like software security, hardware security, network security, and cryptography. Additionally, it includes courses on privacy and legal and organisational aspects of information security.
  • In the Netherlands, Radboud University?s research in Data Security is unique in its broad range. It ranges from legal and privacy aspects, security analyses of existing systems, the design and realisation of new systems, applied cryptography, down to hardware aspects of smartcards and RFID chips. Internationally, we?re leading in research on smartcards and privacy-friendly identity management.
  • Education is closely connected to research at the Privacy & Identity Lab where the fundamental dimensions of privacy and identity from a legal, technical and social perspective are researched.
  • The job opportunities are excellent: some of our students get offered jobs before they have even graduated and almost all of our graduates have positions within six months after graduating.
  • This Master?s specialisation is a successor to the earlier Kerckhoffs Master (a collaboration that also included the University of Twente). About two-thirds of the current curriculum consists of courses that made the Kerckhoffs Master?s so successful in the field of computer security.

Career prospects

Upon completing this Master?s, you?ll have an in-depth knowledge of cyber security that will include theoretical and technical aspects of the field. You?ll also have a good understanding of the managerial, legal and ethical aspects that play a role.

Cyber security experts are in high demand, so you should find no problem finding a job as consultant, manager or researcher after graduating. There are a number places you can find employment:

  • Companies that specialise in cyber security, such as security evaluation labs
  • IT security divisions of more general consultancy firms
  • Firms that produce security technologies
  • Organisations that heavily rely on ICT security, both in the private and public sector. The most common being an organisation in the financial sector.
  • Academic research (PhD)
  • Industrial research

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Master?s Open Day on 16 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit www.ru.nl/masters/openday.