With two internships, there?s a strong focus on research. Some students choose to perform research at the leading? Institute for Water and Wetland Research (IWWR) in Nijmegen, while others rather work at a company, water authority or NGO. How do you want to make your contribution to nature? We?ll help you find a topic and internship organisation in your field of interest.Why study at ?

  • You?ll get an extensive background in academic research.
  • This specialisation is closely connected to the?Institute for Water and Wetland Research(IWWR), a leading institute in wet ecosystem and stress biology research.
  • Radboud University has close connections with water boards, counties, nature recovery spin-off companies and other related organisations, such as Natuurplaza.
  • You?ll get the chance to perform a six-month internship abroad, to perform research on ecosystems in for example Portugal, Spain or South-America.
  • The courses and internships take place in a stimulating, personal setting.
  • Together, the specialisations within the Master?s in Biology cover the whole range from organism to ecosystem and environment, which means you can define your exact study path along the way.

Career prospects

After graduation, our students quickly take up positions as researchers in universities, research institutes, government departments or companies. And ? often after obtaining their PhD degree ? they also apply their academic background to societal issues, for example as a communications or policy officer. In general, our graduates end up as a:

  • Researcher at a university or research institute
  • Researcher in a company, either a large or a start-up company such as B-Ware
  • Researcher at a governmental institute or an NGO (think of nature monitoring and recovering organisations)
  • Consultant at a governmental organisation, like a water board, municipality or ministry
  • Consultant at a consulting firm
  • Policy officer
  • Communications officer at nature organisation
  • Teacher in biology (College or secondary education level)

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Master?s Open Day on 16 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit www.ru.nl/masters/openday.