If you want to contribute to the development of the young, dynamic and most certainly expanding creative sector, then this Master?s specialisation?in at ?is for you.

Change perspective

In today?s dynamic media world, creativity and innovation are inseparably integrated with technology and globalisation. At Radboud University, we help you to develop a reflective, inquisitive and critical view of the creative industries and its relationship with economics and commercialism. We ask you to look beyond the promise of authenticity, the cry for value, or the quest for quality in the creative industries. But also, and most importantly, to never lose sight of its core; the heart of the creative industries is the cultural product or event. That is why in every course, in every debate, our starting point is the aesthetical and creative element. It?s about adding new value and significance to the creative industries.

Career prospects

If you want to make a career in the area where art meets commerce, where highbrow meets lowbrow, and where elite meets public, the Master?s specialisation in Creative Industries will definitely suit your interests.


This Master?s will help you develop the reflective, inquisitive and critical attitude you need to succeed in this field, while closely looking at research methods and discussions currently surrounding these topics. You will familiarise yourself with policy papers, business plans, scripts for the future, advanced knowledge of the industries based on the creative product. You will also be able to assess future trends, especially where the industry is concerned. In short, you will have the skills you need to contribute to the development of the young and dynamic creative sector.

Job positions

The jobs you might find yourself doing after graduating from this programme are extremely varied. The terrain of creative industries is as diverse as it is big and it?s continually expanding, creating lots of new potential jobs. We therefore expect there will be and more and more demand for people with an expertise in the creative industries.

To give you an idea of possible jobs, here a sample of jobs our graduates are now doing:

  • Trend watcher for companies
  • Consultant art education for an educational organisation
  • Consultant ?quality television? for a national commercial television station
  • Cultural policy-maker for the government
  • Festival organiser
  • Webmaster at a museum
  • Programme organiser at a film festival

Want to learn more??

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Master?s Open Day on 16 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit www.ru.nl/masters/openday.