Is a good fit for you?

Are you curious about how cells in your body perform the vital processes for human life? And are you ready for some basic Chemistry and Physics to really understand the functioning of molecules? Then Molecular Life Sciences might be a very good choice for you. You?ll learn how signaling molecules are produced from the DNA and how they are transported through the cell and the body. Moreover, you?ll be studying the differences between healthy and diseased cells. You?ll get acquainted with these topics?during lectures and seminars, and performing hands-on experiments in the lab.

Medical challenges can only be solved with a combined expertise in Biology, Chemistry and Medical Sciences. Most Molecular Life Sciences students end up working in a very broad team of researchers or for example as consultants or inspectors. In the Bachelor?s programme, you?ll be provided with the analytical and communication skills that you?ll need for this kind of work, including studying together with students of?Chemistry and Science.

Why study Molecular Life Sciences at ?

  • It is the best Dutch programme of its kind and even belongs to the very best of all Dutch Bachelor?s, according to the Keuzegids Bachelors 2017
  • Compared to other life science programmes, this Bachelor?s offers a strong chemical basis: you?ll not only know how a molecule behaves in a cell, but you?ll also understand why it behaves like that
  • You can perform research at the internationally renowned institutes Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
  • With the minor programme and a wide variety of elective courses, you design your?the programme to suit your personal interests
  • You will receive excellent supervision by a student advisor and a mentor
  • The lab courses and internship(s) provide you with an extensive research experience
  • You will have personal contact with your lecturers, who are very approachable
  • The set-up of this Bachelor?s allows you to switch to Chemistry or Science within the first year, without any delay

Career prospects

Molecular Life Sciences graduates from Radboud University end up in a wide range of jobs. Ten years after starting their careers those without a PhD mainly work as managers in a technological environment. Those with a PhD often become specialists with a managerial role. They continue with research in research departments at Radboud University or at other universities at home or abroad.

Molecular life scientists fill?the following positions:

  • Researcher at a R&D department in industry
  • Researcher at a university or hospital
  • Project manager/general manager
  • Advisor, consultant
  • Lecturer
  • Inspector, controller

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Bachelor's Open Day on 30 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit