Why study at ?

  • In independent research assessments over the past 10 years, our institute has consistently been ranked as the top computing science institute in the Netherlands. Especially in Cyber Security research, the Radboud University is leading.
  • Unique aspects of the programme are the student software company GiPHouse and the New Devices Lab. Both involve close collaboration with fellow students in team projects: in GiPHouse to develop projects for real clients, in the New Devices lab to experiment with the latest IT gadgets.
  • The Community Outreach Project gives you the opportunity of going abroad to do a group project.?You?ll learn all about how to start a successful IT related project abroad.
  • Student advisors keep close contact to guide you through the programme and are easy to contact for any type of question.
  • The study association?Thalia is very active. They organise all sorts of activities ? some more serious, some more fun ? to get to know your fellow students, alumni, and teachers. Thalia also organizes events in collaboration with companies to help in your career orientation.

Career prospects

Computing Science at Radboud University trains you to become a computer scientist who can work in a broad array of fields. You decide what you want to specialise in! Companies are dying to take on our students. Students often find a job before graduating. The possibilities are endless. Will you become an information and software analyst? Or would you rather become an advisor or manager in a corporation or government? Maybe you want to be a researcher for a company, a university, or a research institution like TNO? Perhaps you will become an entrepreneur and build your own business, like of our students. In other words, with a Computing Science diploma you are never out of a job!

Where do graduates go?

Graduated Cyber Security specialists could, for example, end up at the police (Team High Tech Crime), the National Forensic Institute, intelligence service, defence ministry, and in health care.

In business, consultancy companies such as KPMG and Deloitte, software developers and industrial companies such as NXP can?t wait to employ well educated people. If you are more interested in the field of research, you have many opportunities both within the university (in research institute ICIS) and with other research institutes in the Netherlands or abroad. You also have all the knowledge you need to start your own business, some students already start one during their programme.

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about this programme and Radboud University? Join us for our Bachelor's Open Day on 30 March 2019! To learn more and register for this exciting event, visit www.ru.nl/bachelors/openday.