TUDM required human resources to operate, maintain, repair, oversee and manage different types of aircraft and UTM had the capability to produce graduates in this field. This need has continued to increase with the development in the airline industry in Malaysia which demands for more trained manpower especially engineers and technical assistants.
The Aeronautical Engineering course in UTM is offered as a specialisation of Mechanical Engineering and covers five main areas namely Aerodynamics, Aircraft Structure, Flight Dynamics and Control, Propulsion and Aircraft Design. Thus, graduates of this programme satisfy the requirement to graduate as an engineer in Mechanical Engineering as well as in the field of specialisation in aeronautics. Apart from TUDM, the Civil Aviation Department requires trained manpower to supervise flying activities in Malaysia.
Other organisations that require graduates in the field of aeronautics include Malaysia Airline System, Air Asia, AIROD, Eagle Aircraft, SME aviation, Malaysia Helicopter Services (MHS), TLDM and PDRM Air Unit. Several other firms also have working opportunities in the airline industry. In the field of academic and research, opportunity is available for aeronautical engineers to serve in any institution that run courses and research in the field of Aeronautics.
Several other universities and institutions in Malaysia have started to offer courses in the field of Aeronautics. Due to the rapid expansion in the airline industry, many airline companies, flying clubs and firms are prepared to get involved actively in the airline industry of the country by offering more job opportunities to UTM graduates.