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TOEIC 2021 Score, Certificate, Conversion Table and Chart

TOEIC Score is used to judge English proficiency of candidates. Usually adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points.  It is accepted by organizations and corporations worldwide.

  • Each candidate is allocated an individual score for listening and reading comprehension on a scale from 5 to 495 points
  • The score certificate along with the result of TOEIC 2021 is sent to the aspirants through post mail.

  • The certificate contains photo and signature of the candidate.

  • It is released within 30 days from the day of test. Check TOEIC 2021 Dates and Deadlines

Since the proficiency level of a language keeps on changing depending on its usage, the TOEIC score is valid upto 2 years from the day of result declaration.

Must Read TOEIC Preparation Tips

How to Get TOEIC Score Certificate?

ETS sends the official TOEIC Score Certificate to the test takers through post within 30 days from the test day.

  • Candidates can also select “Score Display Service”.

  • This will allow them to see the result online one week before it is posted.

  • However, this service is available to selected countries.

  • If the test will be conducted by any institutional partners then the scores can be accessed through them only.

Check TOEIC Format and Content

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Scores

The Listening Test and Reading Test is scored on a scale of 5 – 495 each. Total score adds up to a scale range of 10 – 990 points and are linked to CEFR level A1 to C1.

TOEIC Score Analysis

The listening and Reading test scores are just numbers and what those numbers represent must be known. How the scores are interpreted in proficiency level of the test taker is mentioned below:

Score Level Percentage Scored Proficiency Description
905 – 990 91 – 100 International Professional Proficiency
785 – 900 79 – 90 Working Proficiency Plus
605 – 780 61 – 78 Limited Working Proficiency
405 – 600 41 – 60 Elementary Proficiency Plus
255 – 400 26 – 40 Elementary Proficiency
10 – 250 0 – 25 Basic Proficiency

TOEIC Score Conversion Table

Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer in listening test and reading test as well. Maximum raw score can be 100 which is converted to a highest scale score of 450 using the below conversion chart of raw score to TOEIC score. Candidates can predict their scale score from their raw score with the help this chart:

Score Listening Reading Score Listening Reading Score Listening Reading Score Listening Reading
100 495 495 79 415 355 58 285 240 37 125 90
99 495 490 78 405 345 57 275 230 36 115 85
98 495 485 77 400 340 56 265 220 35 105 80
97 495 485 76 395 335 55 260 215 34 100 75
96 495 475 75 385 330 54 255 210 33 95 70
95 495 470 74 375 325 53 245 205 32 90 65
94 495 460 73 370 320 52 235 195 31 85 60
93 495 455 72 365 315 51 230 185 30 80 55
92 490 450 71 360 310 50 225 175 29 70 45
91 485 440 70 355 300 49 220 170 28 60 40
90 480 435 69 350 295 48 215 160 27 55 35
89 475 425 68 345 295 47 205 155 26 50 30
88 465 420 67 340 290 46 200 145 25 45 25
87 460 415 66 335 285 45 190 140 24 40 20
86 455 405 65 330 280 44 180 135 23 35 15
85 445 395 64 325 275 43 175 130 22 30 10
84 440 390 63 320 270 42 170 125 21 25 5
83 435 385 62 310 260 41 160 120 20 20 5
82 430 375 61 300 255 40 150 115 19 15 5
81 425 370 60 295 250 39 140 105 18 10 5
80 420 360 59 290 245 38 135 95 1-17 5 5

TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test Scores

The Speaking Test and Writing Test is scored on a scale of 0 – 200 each. The tests can be taken together or separately and the result will be released accordingly. Total test is scored from 0 – 400.

Speaking Test Score

  • Questions 1 – 9 are scored on a scale of 0 – 3.

  • Questions 10 – 11 are scored on a scale of 0 – 5.

  • Test is scored on a scale of 0 – 200.

  • Scores are associated to 8 proficiency levels.

  • Correlated to CEFRL levels of A1 to C1.

Writing Test Scores

  • Questions 1 – 5 are scored on a scale of 0 – 3.

  • Questions 6 – 7 are scored on a scale of 0 – 5.

  • Question 8 is scored on a scale of 0 – 5.

  • The test is scored on a scale of 0 – 200.

  • Scores are associated to 9 proficiency levels.

  • Correlated to CEFRL levels of A1 to C1.

  • Multiple ETS certified raters score the responses as Human Rating.

TOEIC Bridge Test

The Bridge Test includes Listening Test and Reading Test which are scored on a scale of 10 – 90 respectively. The total score can be derived from adding the two scaled scores.

  • Listening Test: Scaled Score of 10 – 90

  • Reading Test: Scaled Score of 10 – 90

  • Referred to CEFRL level A1 to B1.

TOEIC Scores to CEFRL levels A1 to C2

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) defines skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking in any language. Its framework is broken into six levels falling into three main groups:

Grade Description
A1 – A2 Basic User
B1 – B2 Independent User
C1 – C2 Proficient User

ETS carries out correlation studies between its tests score and CEFR to ensure that reliable and precise correlations are made from time to time.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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