Bihar Board 12th syllabus 2022-23 has been released for Arts, Science, and Commerce streams. Students can check and download the syllabus from the Board’s official website, The syllabus will help the students understand the Bihar 12th exam pattern and marking scheme for the board exams.
Candidates can check the below table to know important highlights about Bihar class 12 board examinations:
Particulars | Details |
Conducting Authority | Bihar School Examination Board |
Commonly Known | BSEB |
Exam Mode | Written Exam (Offline) |
Exam Name | Bihar Intermediate Board Examination 2023 |
Number of Subjects | 5 Subjects (1 Optional Subject) |
Official Website | |
Bihar Board has released the class 12 syllabus for science, commerce and arts through a common PDF file. The syllabus is framed by the board for all the classes up to class 12. The chapters are mentioned in accordance with the book published by the Bihar Board.
Check Also: Bihar Board 12th Exam Dates 2023
The science stream includes the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. English is a compulsory subject for all streams, and there are many other optional language subjects.
Bihar Board class 12 chemistry syllabus includes the following chapters:
Unit | Chapter Name | Marks |
1 | Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry | 11 |
2 | Structure of Atom | |
3 | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties | 4 |
4 | Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 21 |
5 | States of Matter: Gases and Liquids | |
6 | Chemical Thermodynamics | |
7 | Equilibrium | |
8 | Redox Reactions | 16 |
9 | Hydrogen | |
10 | s – Block Elements | |
11 | Some p – Block Elements | |
12 | Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques | 18 |
13 | Hydrocarbons | |
Total | 70 |
Biology is divided in two parts - Botany and Zoology. The questions are framed equally from both the parts.
Section I – Botany | |
Genetics and Evolution | Chapter 1 – Genetic Basis of Inheritance |
Chapter 2 – Gene: Its Nature, Expression and Regulation | |
Biotechnology and its application | Chapter 3 – Biotechnology: Process and Application |
Biology and Human Welfare | Chapter 4 – Enhancement in Food production Plant Breeding Tissue Culture, Concept of Cellular, Totipotency, Requirements of Tissue Culture, Callus Culture, Suspension Culture, Single Cell Protein. Biofortification |
Chapter 5 – Microbes in Human Welfare Microbes in Household food processing, Microbes in Industrial Production, Microbes in Sewage Treatment, Microbes in Biogas (energy), Production Microbes as Biocontrol Agents, Microbes as Biofertilizers | |
Plant Physiology | Chapter 6 – Photosynthesis |
Chapter 7 – Respiration | |
Reproduction in Organisms | Chapter 8 – Reproduction in Plants, Modes of Reproduction (Asexual and Sexual) |
Ecology and Environment | Chapter 9 – Organisms and Environment I: Habitat and Niche |
The Physics class 12 syllabus Bihar Board comprises the following units. The important topics for each unit are also provided below:
Units | Topics |
Circular Motion | Angular displacement, Angular velocity, and angular acceleration, Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity, Uniform circular motion, Radial acceleration, Centripetal, and centrifugal forces, Banking of roads. Vertical circular motion due to earth’s gravitation, Equation for velocity and energy at different positions of vertical circular motion. Kinematical equations for circular motion in analogy with linear motion. |
Gravitation | Newton’s law of gravitation, Projection of satellite, Periodic time, Statement of Kepler’s laws of motion, Binding energy and escape velocity of a satellite. Weightlessness condition in orbit, Variation of ‘g’ due to altitude, latitude, depth and motion, the Communication satellite and its uses |
Rotational motion | Definition of M.I., K.E. of the rotating body, Rolling motion, Physical significance of M.I., Radius of gyration, Torque. Principle of parallel and perpendicular axes, M.I. of some regularly shaped bodies about specific axes, Angular momentum and its conservation. |
Oscillations | Explanation of periodic motion, S.H.M., Differential equation of linear S.H.M. Projection of U.C.M. on any diameter Phase of S.H.M., K.E. and P.E. in S.H.M., Composition of two S.H.M.’s having same period and along the same line, Simple pendulum, Damped S.H.M. |
Elasticity | A general explanation of elastic property, Plasticity, Deformation, Definition of stress and strain, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, Elastic energy Elastic constants and their relation, Determination of ‘Y’, Behaviour of metal wire under increasing load, Applications of elastic behavior of materials. |
Surface tension | Surface tension on the basis of molecular theory, Surface energy, Surface tension, Angle of contact, Capillarity and capillary action Effect of impurity and temperature on surface tension. |
Wave motion | Simple harmonic progressive waves, Reflection of transverse and longitudinal waves, Change of phase, Superposition of waves, Formation of beats Doppler effect in sound. 8. Stationary waves Study of vibrations in a finite medium, Formation of stationary waves on a string Study of vibrations of air columns, Free and Forced vibrations, Resonance. |
Stationary waves | Study of vibrations in a finite medium, Formation of stationary waves on a string, Study of vibrations of air columns, Free and Forced vibrations, Resonance. |
Kinetic theory of gases and Radiation Interference and diffraction | Wave theory of light, Huygens’ Principle, Construction of plane and spherical wavefront, Wavefront and wave normal, Reflection at the plane surface, Refraction at a plane surface, Polarisation, Polaroids, Plane polarized light, Brewster’s law, Doppler effect in light. Interference of light. Conditions for producing a steady interference pattern, Young’s experiment, Analytical treatment of interference bands, Measurement of wavelength by biprism experiment, Diffraction due to a single slit, Rayleigh’s criterion, Resolving power of a microscope and telescope, Difference between interference and diffraction. |
Electrostatics | Theorem proof and applications, a Mechanical force on the unit area of a charged conductor, Energy density of a medium, Dielectrics and electric polarization Concept of the condenser, Capacity of parallel plate condenser, Effect of dielectric on capacity, Energy of charged condenser, Condensers in series and parallel, van-de Graaff generator |
Current electricity | Kirchhoff’s law, Wheatstone’s bridge, Meter bridge, Potentiometer. Magnetic effects of electric current Ampere’s law and its applications Moving coil galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer, Cyclotron. |
Magnetism | Circular current loop as a magnetic dipole, Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron, Magnetisation and magnetic intensity Dia-magnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferro-magnetism on the basis of domain theory, Curie temperature. |
Electromagnetic induction | Laws of electromagnetic induction, proof of, e = – dØ /dt Eddy currents, Self-induction and mutual induction, Need for displacement current, Transformer, Coil rotating in uniform magnetic induction. Alternating currents, Reactance and impedance, LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only) Power in a.c circuit with resistance, inductance and capacitance, Resonant circuit, Wattless current, AC generator |
Students can check the complete class 12 Bihar Board mathematics syllabus below:
Units | Topics |
Mathematical Logic | Statements – Introduction, sentences and statement, truth value of the statement, open sentences, compound statement, quantifier and quantified statements Logical connectives: conjunction, disjunction, negation, implication/ conditional, biconditional, truth tables of compound statements, |
Matrices | Elementary transformation of a matrix revision of co-factor and minor, elementary row transformation, elementary column transformation, inverse of a matrix existence |
Trigonometric functions | Trigonometric equations-general solution of trigonometric equation of the type : sinθ, = 0, cosθ = 0, tanθ = 0, sinθ = sinα, cosθ = cosα, tanθ = tanα, sin2 θ = sin2 α, cos2 θ = cos2 α, tan2 θ = tan2 α, acosθ + bsinθ = C Solution of a triangle: polar coordinates, sine rule, cosine rule, projection rule, area of a triangle, application. |
Pair of straight lines | Pair of lines passing through origin combined equation, homogeneous equation, theorem-the joint equation of a pair of lines passing through the origin and its converse Acute angle between the lines represented by ax2 +2hxy+by2 = 0 |
Circle | Tangent of a circle-equation of a tangent at a point to standard circle and general circle, condition of tangency only for line y = mx + c to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 Tangents to a circle from a point outside the circle, director circle, length of tangent segments, normal to a circle-equation of normal at a point |
Continuity | Continuity of a function at a point: left-hand limit, right-hand limit, the definition of continuity of a function at a point, discontinuity of a function, types of discontinuity |
Differentiation | Relationship between continuity and differentiability-left hand derivative and right-hand derivative (need and concept), every differentiable function is continuous |
Integration | Indefinite integrals - methods of integration, substitution method, integrals of the various types, integration by parts (reduction formulae are not expected) Integration by partial fraction-factors involving repeated and non-repeated linear factors |
Applications of Definite Integral | Area under the curve: area bounded by curve and axis (simple problems), area bounded by two curves, volume of solid of revolution-volume of solid obtained by revolving the area under the curve about the axis (simple problems). |
Differential equation | Definition-differential equation, order, degree, general solution, particular solution of differential equation, formation of differential equation-formation of differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constant |
The Commerce stream covers Economics, Business Studies, and Accountancy as the core subjects. However, English is a compulsory subject similar to that of the other two streams.
The syllabus of Accountancy is divided into 3 main parts as tabulated below:
Part | Unit Name | Marks |
Part A | Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and Companies | |
Unit 1. Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations | 10 | |
Unit 2. Accounting for Partnership Firms | 30 | |
Unit 3. Accounting for Companies | 20 | |
Total | 60 | |
Part B | Financial Statement Analysis | |
Unit 4. Analysis of Financial Statements | 12 | |
Unit 5. Cash Flow Statement | 8 | |
Total | 20 | |
Part C | Computerized Accounting | 20 |
Unit 4. Computerized Accounting | ||
Part D | Practical Work | 20 |
Practical work will include: Practical File 4 Marks Practical Examination 12 Marks (One Hour) Viva Voce 4 Marks |
The chapters included under the class 12 Economics syllabus are divided into two categories: Introductory Macroeconomics and Indian Economic Development.
Unit | Unit Name | Marks |
Part A | Introductory Macroeconomics | |
National Income and Related Aggregates | 10 | |
Money and Banking | 06 | |
Determination of Income and Employment | 12 | |
Government Budget and the Economy | 06 | |
Balance of Payments | 06 | |
Total | 40 | |
Part B | Indian Economic Development | |
Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991 | 12 | |
Current Challenges facing Indian Economy | 22 | |
Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbours | 06 | |
Theory Paper (40 + 40 = 80 Marks) | ||
Part C | Project Work | 20 |
The primary subjects taught in this stream are History, Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology. The following section contains the detailed syllabus of the major subjects in the Arts stream.
The syllabus of History is as follows:
Unit No. | Unit Name | Marks |
Themes in Indian History Part – I (Units 1-4) | 24 | |
1. | The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology | |
2. | Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a Story | |
3. | Social Histories: Using the Mahabharata | |
4. | A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa | |
Themes in Indian History Part – II (Units 5-9) | 25 | |
5. | Medieval Society through Travellers’ Accounts | |
6. | Religious Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition | |
7. | New Architecture: Hampi | |
8. | Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i-Akbari | |
9. | The Mughal Court: Reconstructing Histories through Chronicles | |
Themes in Indian History Part – III (Units 10-15) | 25 | |
10. | Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports | |
11. | Representations of 1857 | |
12. | Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports | |
13. | Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes | |
14. | Partition through Oral Sources | |
15. | The Making of the Constitution | |
Map Work | 06 | |
Total | 80 | |
Project work (Internal Assessment) | 20 | |
Total | 100 |
Geography class 12 syllabus covers two major parts – Fundamentals of Human Geography and India: People and Economy. The units covered under each part are mentioned below:
Units | Chapters | Marks |
Part A | Fundamentals of Human Geography | 35 |
Unit 1 | Human Geography | 30 |
Unit 2 | People | |
Unit 3 | Human Activities | |
Unit 4 | Human settlements | |
Map Work | 05 | |
Part B | India: People and Economy | 35 |
Unit 1 | People | 30 |
Unit 2 | Human Settlements | |
Unit 3 | Resources and Development | |
Unit 5 | Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems | |
Map Work | 05 | |
Part C | Practical Work | 30 |
Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping | 25 | |
Practical Record Book and Viva Voce | 05 |
Bihar Board class 12 English syllabus includes reading comprehension, writing skills and literature. The marks division is given below:
Sections | Topics | Marks |
Reading Comprehension | Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s | 20 |
Creative Writing Skills | Conceptual Understanding, application of rules, Analysis, Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity | 16 |
Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text | Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary convention, inference, analysis, creativity with fluency | 44 |
Total | 80 | |
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills | – | 20 |
Total | 100 |
The syllabus of Sociology includes a total of 11 units divided into two parts.
Unit No. | Units | Marks |
Part A - Indian Society | ||
1. | Introducing Indian Society | Non - Evaluative |
2. | The Demographic Structure of Indian Society | 10 |
3. | Social Institutions: Continuity and Change | 10 |
4. | Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion | 10 |
5. | The Challenges of Cultural Diversity | 10 |
6. | Suggestions for Project Work | Non - Evaluative |
Total | 40 | |
Part B - Social Change and Development in India | ||
7. | Structural Change | 05 |
8. | Cultural Change | 05 |
9. | Change and Development in Rural Society | 10 |
10. | Change and Development in Industrial Society | 10 |
11. | Social Movements | 10 |
Total | 40 |
The syllabus PDF for all subjects of Bihar Board class 12 can be downloaded from the official website:
Read Also: BSEB 12th Admit Card 2023
The books are prescribed by the Bihar Board and it is suggested for every candidate to read the books published by the boards before going for other options. The questions are directly related from the BSEB textbooks and it is considered as the base for preparation of board exams. Some other important reference books are stated below:
Subjects | Books | Author/Publications |
Mathematics | Senior Secondary School Mathematics Mathematics for Class 11 | R.D.Sharma R.S.Aggrawal |
Chemistry | Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Dinesh Chemistry | O.P. Tandon Dinesh |
Biology | ABC of Biology Pradeep’s Biology | Modern Publications P.S Dhami |
Economics | Indian Economic Development by NCERT Microeconomics and Macroeconomics | NCERT |
Physics | Concepts of Physics (Vol 1 and Vol 2) Fundamentals of Physics | H.C.Verma Halliday, Resnick and Walker |
Accountancy | Double Entry Bookkeeping | T.S. Grewal |
Ques. What are the dates for Bihar class 12 board exams 2023?
Ans. Bihar Board exams for class 12 are scheduled from February 1 to February 11, 2023.
Ques. Is the syllabus reduced for the 2022-23 session?
Ans. The board has reduced 30% of the syllabus for BSEB class 12 examinations 2023.
Ques. What are the minimum marks for passing the BSEB class 12 examination?
Ans. Students have to score a minimum of 30% in theory and 40% in practicals in every subject. The aggregate marks should also be above 30% in order to pass the examination.
Ques. What are the other exams organised by BSEB?
Ans. The BSEB conducts exams like Certificate in Physical Education and Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) etc.
Ques. What is the benefit of taking additional subject?
Ans. If a student has scored less marks in any of the main subjects of class 12, the marks of the additional subject will be taken into consideration.
Ques. How can I download BSEB 12th class syllabus 2023?
Ans. Visit the official website to download the Bihar Board class 12 syllabus 2022-23.
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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.