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BSc 3rd year Syllabus, Subjects, Electives, Results, Books, Practical, Colleges

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

B.Sc. is a three-year undergraduate degree program that consists of major topics such as Physical science, applied science, chemistry, biology, mathematics, economics, agriculture, horticulture, and animation.

BSc Syllabus varies from college to college. The B.Sc. course is divided into six semesters of study and includes a mix of theory, practical,, assignments, seminars, projects, lectures, and class assessments.

After completing a BSc Course, there is a wide range of courses available for students that they can pursue such as M.Sc (Master of Science), MCA (Master of Computer Application), and MBA (Master of Business Administration). They can also choose Data Sciences courses, Machine Learning courses, Artificial IntelligencePython, Business Analytics etc for enhancing their career.

See AlsoData Science Certification Courses

Table of Contents

  1. BSc 3rd Year Subjects

1.1 BSc 3rd Year Nursing Syllabus 

1.2 BSc 3rd year Agriculture Syllabus

1.3 BSc 3rd year Computer Science Syllabus

1.4 BSc 3rd year Biotechnology Syllabus

1.5 BSc 3rd year IT Syllabus

1.6 BSc 3rd year Microbiology Syllabus

1.7 BSc 3rd year Psychology Syllabus

1.8 BSc 3rd year Forensic sciences Syllabus

1.9 BSc 3rd year Chemistry Syllabus

1.10 BSc 3rd year Physics Syllabus

1.11 BSc 3rd year Nautical science Syllabus

1.12 BSc 3rd year Forestry Syllabus

1.13 BSc 3rd year Mathematics Syllabus

1.14 BSc 3rd year Zoology Syllabus

1.15 BSc 3rd year Botany Syllabus

1.16 BSc 3rd year Optometry Syllabus

1.17 BSc 3rd year Statistics Syllabus

1.18 BSc 3rd year Food technology Syllabus

  1. BSc 3rd Year Electives
  2. Courses after BSc
  3. BSc 3rd Year Result
  4. BSc 3rd Year Practical Subjects
  5. BSc Books in 3rd Year
  6. Top BSc Colleges
  7. BSc 3rd Year: FAQs

BSc 3rd Year Subjects 

The BSc 3rd year subjects are listed below for all BSc specialisation : 

BSc 3rd Year Nursing Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Nursing is listed below:

Third Year Fourth Year
Medical – Surgical Nursing– II Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
Child Health Nursing Community Health Nursing – II
Mental Health Nursing Management of Nursing Services and Education
Nursing Research & Statistics -

BSc 3rd Year Agriculture Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Agriculture is listed below: 

V Semester VI Semester
Crop Production Principles and practices of cropping and Farming System
Agronomy of field Crops- II Soil Resource Inventory and Problem Soils
Study Tour II Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding
Crop and Pesticide Chemistry Production Technology of Flower Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
Pests of Field Crops and their Management Extension Methodologies and Transfer of Agricultural Technology
Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management Agricultural Marketing,Trade and Prices
Production Technology of Vegetables and Spice crops Soft skills for Employability
Fundamentals and Applications of nanotechnology Experiential Learning - 1
Production Economics and Farm Management -
Applied Plant Biotechnology -
Post Harvest and Food Engineering -
VII Semester VIII Semester
Rural Agricultural Work Experience - RAWE (VSP+ADO+NGO+INDUSTRY) Organic Farming
Project Work Breeding Field Crops and Horticulture crops
All India Study Tour Nutrient Management and Fertilizer Technology
- Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management
- Diseases of Horticultural crops and their management
- Agricultural Finance, Banking and Cooperation
- Experiential Learning –II

See AlsoBSc Agriculture Abroad

BSc 3rd Year Computer Science Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc in Computer Science is listed below: 

Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Software Engineering Programming in Python
Computer Networks Mobile Computing
Java Programming Elective I
Visual Programming Elective II
Java Programming Laboratory Python Programming Laboratory
Visual Programming Laboratory Project Work

See Also:

BSc 3rd Year Biotechnology Syllabus

The 3rd syllabus for BSc Biotechnology is listed below: 

Semester V Semester VI
Biostatistics Animal Biotechnology
Clinical Biotechnology Bioprocess Technology & Quality Contol
Recombinant DNA Technology Plant Biotechnology
Food Biotechnology Basics of Bioinformatics
Practicals in Clinical Biotechnology Practicals in Animal Tissue Culture
Practicals in Recombinant DNA Technology Practicals in Plant Tissue Culture
Practicals in Food Biotechnology Exercises in Computer Applications & Bioinformatics
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

See Also:

BSc 3rd Year IT Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc IT s listed below :

Information Security Mobile Application Development
Programming in Java Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Software Engineering Computer Graphics
Data Warehousing and Mining Software Lab-X (Mobile Application Development)
Software Lab-IX (Programming in Java) Software Lab- XI (Computer Graphics)
Project Work- I Project Work- II

See Also: 

BSc 3rd Year Microbiology Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Microbiology is listed below :

Semester V Semester–VI
Molecular Microbiology
  • Biosafety and Waste
  • Management
Food Microbiology & Food Safety IPR
Ethics Project
Field Work & Reports
  • Skill enhancement courses (Elective) (Any two)
  • NSS
  • Entrepreneurship & Team work
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle
  • Event Management
  • Ability Enhancement courses
  • Emotional and Social intelligence
  • Skill enhancement courses (Elective)
  • Open Electives
  • NSS

See Also

BSc 3rd Year Psychology Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Psychology is listed below : 

Semester 5 Semester 6
Psychopathology Abnormal Psychology
Organisational Behaviour Human Resource Development
Educational Psychology Counselling Psychology
Psychological Research Psychology and Social Issues
Computer Assisted Testing and Field Study Project Work

See Also:

BSc 3rd Year Forensic sciences Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science is listed below 

Semester V Semester VI
Forensic Ballistics Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Toxicology Forensic Medicine
Digital Forensics Accident Investigation
Economic Offenses Dissertation
Botany DNA Typing
Environmental Studies Value Education

See Also: 

BSc 3rd Year Chemistry Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Chemistry is listed below :

Semester V Semester VI
Transition Metals, Lanthanides, Actinides and Nuclear Chemistry Coordination, Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry–II Organic Synthesis and Heterocyclic Compounds
Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry and Photochemistry Electrochemistry, Phase Rule and Colloids
Organic Qualitative Analysis and Preparation of Organic Compounds Physical Chemistry Practical –II
Physical Chemistry Practical –I Core Based Project
Green Chemistry Material Science and Nanotechnology
Bioorganic Chemistry Energy and Fuel Cells
Chemistry of Natural Products Agricultural and Leather Chemistry
Environmental Studies Communication Skills
- Allied Chemistry – I
- Allied Chemistry Practical – I
- Allied Chemistry – II
- Allied Chemistry Practical – II
- Biochemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Basic of Bioinformatics
- Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

See Also:

BSc 3rd Year Physics Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Physics is listed below :

Semester 5 Semester 6
Electricity and Electrodynamics Thermal and Statistical Physics
Classical and Quantum Mechanics Relativity and Spectroscopy
Digital Electronics and Programming Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics
Environmental Physics and Human Rights Solid State Physics
Core Practical III: Electricity, Magnetism and Laser Choice Based Course
Core Practical IV: Digital Electronics Core Practical III: Electricity, Magnetism and Laser
Core Practical V: Thermal Physics, Spectroscopy and C++ programming Core Practical IV: Digital Electronics
Core Practical VI: Acoustics, Photonics and Advanced Semiconductor Physics Core Practical V: Thermal Physics, Spectroscopy and C++ programming
- Core Practical VI: Acoustics, Photonics and Advanced Semiconductor Physics
- Project and Industrial Visit

See Also:

BSc 3rd Year Nautical Science Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Nautical Science is listed below : 

Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Principles of Navigation Paper – III Principles of Navigation Paper – IV
Ship Operation Technology Paper – II Ship Operation Technology Paper – IV
Naval Architecture Paper – III Voyage Planning & Collision Prevention Paper – III
Maritime Law Shipping Management
Environmental Science Paper – III Marine Engineering & Control System Paper – III

BSc 3rd Year Forestry Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Forestry is listed below : 

V Semester VI Semester
Wildlife and Protected Area Management Wood Products and Utilization
Social Forestry and Agro Forestry Non Wood Forest Products and Utilization
Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology Forest Policies and Legislation
Tree Breeding and Tree Improvement Wood Seasoning and Preservation
Wood Science and Technology Tribes and Tribal Development
Principles of Hydrology and Watershed Management Soft Skills for Career Development
Forest Production Economics and Marketing Soil Chemistry, Fertility and Management of Problem Soils
Logging and Ergonomics Clonal Forestry
Production Technology of Horticultural Crops Study Tour to Southern India
Physical Education (contd.) Physical Education (contd.)
Experiential Learning – I -
VII Semester VIII Semester
Forest Work Experience Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry
Project Work Forestry Extension and Communication Methods
Study Tour to Northern India Finance and Project Analysis in Forestry
- Forest Biotechnology
- Environmental Science and Climate Change
- Forest Genetic Resources and Conservation
- Plantation Forestry
- Ornithology
- Project Work (contd.)
- Experiential Learning – II

BSc 3rd Year Mathematics Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Mathematics is listed below 

Semester V Semester VI
Abstract Algebra Linear Algebra
Real Analysis I Real Analysis II
Complex Analysis-I Complex Analysis II
Statics Programming in C Language
Dynamics Practical in C Language
(to choose 1 out of 2)
A. Graph Theory
B. Astronomy
(to choose 1 out of 2)
A. Operations Research
B. Calculus of finite differences &Numerical Methods.
(to be chosen only those students who have not taken numerical methods as allied subject)
Mathematics for competitive Examinations-II (to choose 1 out of 2)
A. Special functions
B. Fuzzy Mathematics.
- Mathematics for competitive ExaminationsIII

See Also: Mathematics Courses

BSc 3rd Year Zoology Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Zoology is: 

Semester V Semester VI
Core Paper V -Genetics and Evolution
  • Core Paper VIII
  • Physiology and
  • Endocrinology
  • Core Paper VI
  • Biophysics,
  • Biostatistics &
  • Bioinformatics
  • Core Paper IX
  • Immunology
  • Core Paper VII
  • Biotechnology
  • Core Paper X
  • Human Genetics
  • and counseling
Core Paper VII- Biotechnology
  • Elective -Applied
  • Fishery Biology/
  • Dairy Science
  • Core Zoology
  • Practicals -III
  • Advance Learners'
  • Course II -Industrial Biotechnology
Group Project
  • Advance Learners'
  • Course II - Applied
  • Zoology
  • #Advance Learners'
  • Course I - Microbiology
  • Core Zoology
  • Practicals -III
  • #Advance Learners'
  • Course I - Public Health and Hygiene
Skill Based Elective - Sericulture II
Skill Based Elective - Sericulture II Skill Based Elective Practicals -Sericulture Practicals II
Skill Based Elective Practicals -Sericulture Practicals II -
  • Personality Development
  • Information Security
Comprehensive Exam -
Internship (4 weeks) -

BSc 3rd Year Botany Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Botany is listed below 

Semester V Semester VI
Anatomy, Reproductive Botany and Microtechnique Genetics, Plant breeding and Horticulture
Anatomy, Reproductive Botany and Microtechnique Genetics, Plant breeding and Horticulture
Research Methodology, Biophysics and Biostatistics Cell and Molecular Biology
Research Methodology, Biophysics and Biostatistics Cell and Molecular Biology
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Angiosperm Morphology, Taxonomy and Economic Botany
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Angiosperm Morphology, Taxonomy and Economic Botany
Environmental Science and Human Rights Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Environmental Science and Human Rights Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Agri-based microenterprises Agribusiness
- Project work

See AlsoBotany Courses

BSc 3rd Year Optometry Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Optometry is listed below :

Third Year Subjects Fourth Year Subjects
Contact Lenses Project
Systemic & Ocular diseases Clinical Posting & Speciality Posting
Low Vision Aids & Geriatric Optometry -
Practice management, law in optometry & occupational optometry -
Research Methodology& Biostatistics -
Pediatric Optometry, Advances In Optometry & Binocular Vision -
Clinics & Special Clinics -

BSc 3rd Year Statistics Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Statistics is listed below :

Semester V Semester VI
Numerical Methods & Fundamentals of Computers Statistical Quality Control
Practicals Operations Research
- Practicals

BSc 3rd Year Food Technology Syllabus

The 3rd year syllabus for BSc Food Technology is listed below: 

Semester V Semester VI
Food Process Technology - Milk and Dairy Products Processing of Oils and Fats
Bakery, Confectionary and Miscellaneous products Fermented Food
Food Adulteration and Food Toxicology Elective-V
Elective-III Project Work
Elective-IV -
Food Analysis Lab-II -
Food Processing Lab-II -

BSc 3rd Year Electives

BSc Food Technology - Professional Electives

  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Food Quality Testing And Evaluation 
  • Food Packaging Technology
  • Quality Control and Management

Courses after BSc 

There are many options available for BSc graduates for their higher studies which are listed below: 

  • M.Sc (Master of Science) - They can become Professor, Assistant Professor, or Research Scientist.
  • MBA (Master of Business Administration) - A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is a professional degree that provides students with academic and practical training in business administration. After completing the course, Students can become Human Resources Manager, Project Managers, or Marketing Manager
  • Appear for Government Exams - After completing BSc degree, Graduates can apply for government exams such as UPSC, AIIMS - Nursing Officer, IFS exams etc
  • Machine Learning - The demand for Machine Learning is in all sectors of modern industry, from IT to healthcare and education. Students can pursue Machine Learning certification courses also for their bright future.

BSc 3rd Year Result

Students can check the results for BSc course which are listed below: 

College Name Results
Indira Gandhi National Open University - [IGNOU], New Delhi Check Result
Monad University, Hapur Check Result
Shiv Nadar University (SNU) Check Result
Manav Rachna International Institute Of Research And Studies Check Result
Sushant University Check Result
Santosh University, Ghaziabad Check Result
St. Stephen’s College Check Result
Hindu College Delhi Check Result
Lady Shri Ram College For Women (LSR) Check Result
Hansraj College Check Result

BSc 3rd Year Practical Subjects

BSc Nursing 3rd year Practical
Medical Surgical Nursing – II Child Health Nursing Mental Health Nursing
BSc Nursing 4th year Practical
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Community Health Nursing - II -
BSc Nautical Science Practical
Marine Communication & GMDSS Ship Operation & Safe working practices -

BSc Books in 3rd Year

The important books for BSc 3rd year are:

Specialisation Subjects Books Name Author
BSc Computer Science Software Engineering “Software Engineering”, Tenth Edition, Pearson 2016. Ian Sommerville,
“Software Engineering”, A Practitioner’s Approach, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Roger S. Pressman and Bruce R. Maxim
Computer Networks “Data Networks”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2008. D. Bertsekas and R. Gallagher,
“Computer Networks”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2008 A. S. Tanenbaum,
Java Programming “Programming with Java”, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2019. E Balagurusamy
“Java: The Complete Reference”, Ninth Edition, McGraw Hill Professional, 2014. Herbert Schildt,
Visual Programming “Programming in Visual Basic 6.0”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2011. Julia Case Bradley and Anita C.Millspaugh
“Visual Basic 6 from the Ground up”, McGraw-Hill Education,1998 Gary Cornell,
Programming In Python Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist“,1st Edition 2012, O’Reilly. Allen B. Downey
Dive Into Python “ , 2nd edition 2009, Apress. Mark Pilgrim
Mobile Computing Mobile Communications, Second Edition, Revised 2008. Jochen Schiller,
- “Mobile Computing”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. Ashok K Talukder, Roopa R Yavagal, “
BSc IT Information Security Introduction to Information Security and Cyber Laws Paperback Surya Prakash Tripathi (Author), Ritendra Goel (Author), Praveen Kumar Shukla (Author)
Principles of Information Security. Paperback - Whitman (Author)
Programming in Java Programming In Java, E-Balagurusami, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Advance Java Ivan Bayross, BPB Publications
Software Engineering “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach “, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill Roger S. Pressman
“Software Engineering Concepts”, Paperback Edition, McGraw Hill. R.E. Fairley
Data Warehousing and Mining Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Alex Berson, First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Data Warehousing and Mining Dinesh Gupta, Kalyani Publishers.
Mobile Application Development Beginning iOS 6 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK David Mark, Apress Publication
BSc Chemistry Transition Metals, Lanthanides, Actinides and Nuclear 84 Chemistry Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell Science, London, 1996. J. D. Lee,
Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., W. H. Freeman and Co, London, 1999. D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed., John Wiley, New York, 1999. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. Murillo and M. Bochman.,
Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry–II Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 1992. R.T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd,
Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996 T. W. Graham Solomons
Organic Chemistry, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1987. S.H. Pine,
Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry and Photochemistry Principles of Physical Chemistry, 23rd edition, New Delhi, Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co,1993. B.R.Puri, L.R.Sharma and M.S.Pathania
Coordination, Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2000. F.Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, I
Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th ed., Harper Collins, 1993. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter
Organic Synthesis and Heterocyclic Compounds Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 1992. R.T. Morrison and R. N.Boyd,
BSc Nautical Science Principles of Navigation Paper – III Principles of Navigation Capt. P.M. Sharma
Principles and Practice of Navigation A. Frost
Ship Operation Technology Paper – II Seamanship and Cargo Work Capt. J. Dinger
Cargo Work Kemp and Young
Principles of Navigation Paper –IV Ship’s Magnetism and Magnetic Compass F.G. Merrifield
Compass Work Kemp and Young
Marine Electronic Navigation S.F. Appleyard
Marine Engineering & Control System Paper – III Marine Auxiliary Machinery D.W. Smith
Reeds Engineering Knowledge for Deck Officers W. Embleton and T. Morton
BSc Physics Electricity and Electrodynamics Electricity and Magnetism R. Murugeshan
Transient Current and Thermo electricity Electricity and Magnetism R. Murugeshan
Electrostatics and Magnetostatics Introduction to Electrodynamics David J Griffiths
Thermal and Statistical Physics Thermal and Statistical Physics R.B. Singh
An introduction to thermodynamics Y.V.C. Rao (New Age Pub.)
Relativity and Spectroscopy Molecular structure and spectroscopy Aruldas 2nd ed. EEE
Modern Physics, Kenneth S Krane (2nd Edition) -Wiley.
Concepts of modern Physics, Arthur Beiser (6th Edition) - SIE.
BSc Psychology Psychopathology Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. 3rd ed. Wadsworth. Thomson Learning: Canada. Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (2002)
Abnormal Psychology: The Problem of Maladaptive Behaviour. 10th ed. New Delhi: Pearson. Sarason, I. G., & Sarason, B. R. (2002)
Organizational Behaviour Organisational Behaviour. 10th ed. Mc Graw Hill International Edition. . Luthans, F. (2005)
Organisational Behaviour. New Delhi: Biztantra. Moorhead, G. & Griffin, R. W. (2005).
Educational Psychology Educational Psychology. 9th ed. Delhi: Pearson Education Woolfolk.A. (2004)
Educational Psychology: Developing Learners. ed. New Jersey: Merrill. Ormrod, J. E. (2000).
Clinical Psychology Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. 3rd ed. Canada: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Barlow, D. H. & Durand, V. M. (2002)
Abnormal Psychology: The problem of Maladaptive Behaviour. 10th ed. Asia: Pearson Education. Sarason, I. G. & Sarason, B. R. (2002).
Human Resource Development Human Resource Management. New Delhi :Pearson Dessler, G. &Varkkey,B.(2009)
Human Resource Management:Text and Cases.New Delhi:Excell Rao, V.S.P. (2005).
BSc Food Technology Food Process Technology- Milk and Dairy Products Outlines of Dairy Technology. Oxford University Press Sukumar, De (2001).
Dairy processing improving quality. Woodhead Publishers. Smith G. (2003).
Bakery Confectionery and Miscellaneous Products Textbook of Bakery and Confectionery Ashokkumar Y, PHI, 2012.
Processing of Oils & Fats Technology Of Oilseeds Processing, Oils & Fats And Refining, EIRI Board (Author), 2011
The Chemistry and Technology of Edible Oils and Fats and Their High Fat Products, G. Hoffmann, Academic Press, 2013
Fermented Foods Traditionally Fermented Foods: Innovative Recipes and Old-Fashioned Techniques for Sustainable Eating, Shannon Stonger (Author), 2017.
The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from around the World, SandorEllix Katz and Michael Pollan, Hard Cover, 2012.
BSc Statistics Applied Statistics Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol-II. Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K., and B. Das Gupta:
S.C.: Applied Statistics Kapoor, V.K. and Gupta,
Operations Research Operations Research Kanti Swaroop, P.K. Gupta and Manmohan:
BSc Forensic Science Forensic Ballistics B.J. Heard, Handbook of Firearms and Ballistics, Wiley and Sons, Chichester (1997)
W.F. Rowe, Firearms identification, Forensic Science Handbook, Vol. 2, R. Saferstein (Ed.), Prentice Hall, New Jersey (1988).
Forensic Toxicology Introduction to Forensic Sciences, 2nd A. Poklis, Forensic toxicology in
Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2013). W.J. Tilstone, M.L. Hastrup and C. Hald, Fisher’s
Forensic Anthropology A Journey in Forensic Anthropology, University of Mexico Press, Mexico (1998). S.Rhine, Bone Voyage:
Forensic Medicine Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2013). W.J. Tilstone, M.L. Hastrup and C. Hald, Fisher’s,

BSc 3rd Year Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What percentage is good for BSc?

Ans. The percentage depends upon the college from where students want to pursue their BSc course. Most institutes require around a minimum of 50-60% aggregate marks in Class 12, while others require a pass mark in Class 12.

Ques. Is a BSc degree valuable?

Ans. BSc degree gives students an excellent entry point into their career path. It equips students with skills that allow them to go for well-paying jobs in industries such as technology, medicine, and engineering.

Ques. What is BSc Medical science?

Ans. BSc in Medical Science comprises of some parts of zoology, proteins, drugs and medicines. 

Ques. Can BSc become Doctor?

Ans. Yes, BSc graduates can become a doctor after Bsc. They are required to get admission into MBBS course. It is easy for students to pursue MBBS after completing Bsc from a recognized institution.

Ques. Can students study MBBS without NEET in India?

Ans. No, the NEET exam is compulsory for MBBS. 

Ques. Which is better MBA or BSc?

Ans. BSc provides the foundational knowledge of a specific branch of science and this undergraduate degree itself is inclined more toward theoretical knowledge. MBA is considered more of a professional course and encourages students to work on real-world problems related to the domain of business.

Ques. Can I do BSc at 25?

Ans. The candidate should be a minimum of 17 years of age and the maximum age limit is 35 years for BSc Nursing admission.

Ques. Which is best BCA or BSc?

Ans. B.Sc Computer Science is more concept-oriented whereas BCA is more application-oriented. So, BCA graduates can find a job sooner. The choice of course also depends upon student’s interest.

Ques. Can I do MCA after BSc?

Ans. Yes, Students can pursue an MCA after completing a BSc in Computer Science. MCA is an excellent and standard program. MCA course expands understanding of the fundamental ideas of Computer Science and provides great career opportunities.

Ques. Do marks matter in BSc?

Ans. Yes, graduation marks are important for taking admission in any college. Many colleges eligibility criteria require more than 55 percent marks in graduation and for competitive exams, some insurance companies require a minimum of 60 percent marks.

Ask your question

Answered Questions


Shruti Singh

13 Oct22

Practicals for first-year B.Sc students are held in February for the July session. Practicals are usually held on Sundays at around 9 a.m. Boys and girls have their rooms. When the assistant finishes the distribution work, the teacher asks you to write two experiments with the aim, requirements, method, theory, and everything with tables. The teacher announces the student's name. He then asks a few questions regarding the same before concluding the practicals. You just have to keep the file handy and create a beautiful piece. Improve your writing abilities.

...Show More


Tanya Mehra

06 Oct22

Delhi University, one of the top universities in the country, of course, offers a B.Tech programme. The main campus of the institution itself offers the course. The colleges under DU offering the programme are as follows:

Acharya Narendra Dev College Mata Sundri Devi College
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College Maitreyi College
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences Miranda House
Daulat Ram College P.G.D.A.V College
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Rajdhani College
Gargi College Ram Lal Anand College
Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences For Women
Hans Raj College Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies
Indraprastha College For Women S.G.G.S. College of Commerce.
Institute of Home Economics S.G.T.B. Khalsa College
Kalindi College Shivaji College
Kamla Nehru Shyama Prasad Mukherji College
Keshav Mahavidyalaya Sri Aurobindo College
Lady Irwin College Sri Venkateswara College
Lady Shri Ram College For Women St. Stephen's College
Maharaja Agrasen College Swami Vivekananda College
Swami Shraddhanand College Zakir Hussain College
If you want to study B.Tech at CIC, you must first fill out an application form on the official DU website, and then you must perform exceptionally well in the entrance exam. If you are accepted, you must pay the admission fee online in order to confirm your admission. Following that, you must report to the reporting location (Room No. 308, Third Floor, Cluster Innovation Center University Stadium, G.C. Narang Road, University of Delhi) and have the necessary documents verified. 
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Riddhi Goswami

26 Jul22

Here is the details of Fergusson College cutoff for B.Sc. 

Course  Cutoff 
B.Sc Biomedical Sciences 96
B.Sc Chemistry  95
B.Sc Computer Science  95
B.Sc Botany  90
B.Sc Electronics 91
B.Sc Physics 96
B.Sc Zoology  93
B.Sc Mathematics 96
B.Sc Life Science  88

Although the cutoff varies each year, it remains above 85 percentile.

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Disha Yadav,

22 Nov21

No, Holkar Science College might not be a good option for B.Sc. One of my friends studied there and according to him the college lacked many things.

There was no proper infrastructure, Buildings were neglected of proper care and maintenance. The ambience and the student crowd is not healthy. As most of them do not have any ambition or interest in learning new things. The students are also not competitive enough, which makes them less dedicated towards their studies. 

Even the faculties are careless and do not bother much if the student is learning anything or not. They often skip classes which ultimately leads to not completing the syllabus.

No cultural events or extracurricular activities take place here. It is suggested that you look for other options, compare them with it and then finalize.

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Prodorshita Chatterjee

26 Jul21

IIT Madras is one of the best institutes in India to offer an online B.Sc degree with the flexibility of completing the course in 6 years.

  • The course fees are very reasonable. There is a special 75% fees concession provided to the students with low-income backgrounds, thereby giving them a chance to pursue their careers.
  • At the end of the program, many universities conduct web-based exams in which cheating is impossible. They are kept under the strict supervision of the invigilators.
  • Regular offline quiz exams are conducted in these centers so that the students remain active and keep studying even following the online mode of study.
  • It is seen that the placements of the students pursuing BTech in CSE get very decent packages.
  • There is a high possibility of 80-90% of B.Sc. graduates getting good jobs as well.
Categories B.Sc (online) at IIT Madras
Course Fee 2.42 lakh
Average CTC 6-8 LPA

Last but not least we can say that the overall quality of an online BSc program is very good when compared to other universities or colleges.

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Tejaswini Jha

06 Oct22

As explained by a B.Sc(Hons) Computer Science graduate from DU, there are the following scopes after the course:

  1. Job: If you are studying computer science at a college like Hansraj, KMC, or Venky, you may get a good job or your dream profile in a good company. If you believe and know that you will not be able to find work that is equivalent to your B.Sc Comp Sc, please do not apply. 
  2. Passion for Computers: If you want to go into research while still enjoying computer science, pursue an M.Sc in Comp Sc from DU or another reputable university such as Kolkata University or Bombay University. M.Sc. from DU is good, and you will be placed in good companies. Another possibility is an M.Sc. in Operational Research from DU. 
  3. MBA: MBA is also one of the best scopes for students to go ahead. There is an immense opportunity for good placements and better career options. 

B.Sc (Hons.) in Computer Science has a much broader scope. The field of science and technology is ever-expanding, and the scopes it has to offer are based on research and development principles. When it comes to pursuing a degree such as Computer Science, graduates have numerous options. They may conduct field research or pursue careers in more financially lucrative fields. For BSc graduates, there are numerous job opportunities available.

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Tanvi Agarwal

31 Oct22

The duration of IGNOU BSc practical depends on the credits of the particular course you have opted for.

For example, if your practical course is a 4 credit course, then you have to learn lab work in that particular course within a 13 days period. 

  • Sign on the attendance sheet daily during this period

  • Maintain observation record of your practical work in your practical record book

  • At the end of the day evaluate your practical records with your professor.

  • On the 14th day, appear for the practical examination and viva.

Normally you get a minimum of 60% in the practical exam. You will lose these marks if you miss the practical exam.

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Aditya Gupta

18 Nov22

Every competitive exam requires preparation in order to crack it. This preparation should be based on proper strategies and rules. 

Some basic tips to crack the BHU entrance exam for BSc are:

  • Study the previous year's papers thoroughly. You will get an idea about the important topics, the nature of questions asked, and a general pattern of the paper. BHU offers these papers on its own official website also.

  • Go through the syllabus mentioned on the official website for the entrance exam.

  • Buy additional books and solve them. Also, solving mocks will give you confidence.

  • Your base should be clear and strong. Be well versed with numerical as well as basic formulae.

These tips combined with your own confidence and determination will give you amazing results.

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Diksha Grover

02 Jun21

Yes, Sharda University is good for a B.Sc (Honours) degree. This course is that it is a more standard degree than B.Sc (general) degree as well as it is more specialized. 

  • You will learn about the specific subject more than in a regular B.Sc degree.
  • The faculty are also experienced and quite helpful. You will learn quite a few things from them during the three years on campus. 
  • You can opt for pure sciences like - chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc., and learn about them in detail.
  • Other than the pure science subjects, B.Sc in Animation and VFX are full of opportunities in the well-developed media industry.
  • Only Sharda University offers this specialized industry-oriented course.

The campus is spread in a generous area at Greater Noida in UP and it is a very multi-disciplinary campus. If you make friends with the right kind of students, you will learn a lot more than just your subjects. This will definitely broaden your horizon.

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Prashant Mathur

12 Oct22

 In today's world, getting a bachelor's degree from any college isn't worth much.

DU has a brand name, but if your overall grades aren't good enough, having a degree from Delhi University is pointless.

By providing many resources and an intellectual environment, Delhi University will assist you in exploring various aspects of your personality.

However, if you have a bachelor's degree in any of the Science subjects or even Mathematics, you will need to do a master's or even a PhD to get a decent-paying job.

However, if you are an SRCC or Stephens graduate, you may be able to get a good placement from the college itself if you have a degree in Arts or Commerce with above-average marks.

The best colleges vary depending on your subject, such as SRCC for those interested in commerce. Stephen's is also regarded as one of the most prestigious universities. Other good colleges include Miranda House, Hindu, and Lady Shri Ram.

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