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BSc 1st Year Syllabus, Subjects, Electives, Books, Skills, Colleges

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

BSc course is a 3-year undergraduate program that helps students to get a holistic and theoretical understanding of subjects. BSc Subjects are divided into 6 semesters. The BSc course syllabus is a mix of theoretical, practical as well as research-based subjects. 

BSc Syllabus depends on the specialization selected by the student. There are many specialisations available for students such as BSc Nursing, BSc Agriculture, BSc Computer Science, BSc Biotechnology, BSc IT, BSc Microbiology, BSc Psychology, BSc Physics, BSc Zoology etc. Students are taught through various methods such as theory, laboratory, project, internships etc.

See Also: BSc Course Details

Table of Contents

  1. BSc Specializations List
  2. BSc Books in 1st Year
  3. BSc 1st Year Electives
  4. BSc 1st Year Syllabus

4.1 BSc Nursing First Year Syllabus

4.2 BSc Agriculture First Year Syllabus

4.3 BSc Computer Science First Year Syllabus

4.4 BSc Biotechnology First Year Syllabus

4.5 BSc IT First Year Syllabus

4.6 BSc Microbiology First Year Syllabus

4.7 BSc Psychology First Year Syllabus

4.8 BSc Forensic sciences First Year Syllabus

4.9 BSc Chemistry First Year Syllabus

4.10 BSc Physics First Year Syllabus

4.11 BSc Nautical Science First Year Syllabus

4.12 BSc Forestry First Year Syllabus

4.13 BSc Mathematics First Year Syllabus

4.14 BSc Zoology First Year Syllabus

4.15 BSc Botany First Year Syllabus

4.16 BSc Optometry First Year Syllabus

4.17 BSc Statistics First Year Syllabus

4.18 BSc Food Technology First Year Syllabus

  1. BSc 1st year Result
  2. Why Study BSc?
  3. BSc Skills Required
  4. Top BSc Colleges
  5. BSc 1st Year: FAQs

BSc Specializations List

 The specialisation courses that are offered in BSc are: 

  •  BSc Nursing - BSc Nursing course is a bachelor's degree program that trains students in areas of critical care and incorporates values necessary to become nurses and midwives. The course has 6 months of mandatory internship. 
  •  BSc Agriculture - This course aims to provide training to implement modern agricultural techniques and technologies in real-world scenarios. The course primarily focuses on research and practices in agricultural science, dealing with disciplines such as Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Microbiology, Soil Science, Plant Pathology, etc.
  •  BSc Computer Science - The 3 years BSc Computer Science course allows the candidates to learn about the different architectures related to computer networking, operating system, and programming languages. The course can also be pursued as a replacement for BTech in Computer Science.
  •  BSc Biotechnology -BSc Biotechnology provides students with good insights into modern biology. This course provides training to students in the area of Molecular Biology, Genetic Medicine and Biotechnology.
  •  BSc IT - BSc IT provides a detailed study of software testing, software engineering, databases programming, software development, web designing, computer networks and computer systems.
  •  BSc Microbiology - BSc Microbiology provides students with detailed knowledge of microorganisms and their effect on the human body in the course. There is a great focus on the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans in the course.
  •  BSc Psychology - BSc Psychology course focuses on the study of the mind, emotions, social development and the individuality of a human being. It provides fundamental knowledge of the human brain and its reactions.
  •  BSc Forensic sciences - BSc Forensic Science is a 3-year graduate course that involves the application of scientific knowledge for crime investigation and it mainly focuses on crime-laboratory-based professions.
  •  BSc Chemistry - Candidates will get an understanding of all the basic concepts that they have studied in school with an in-depth knowledge of those topics and an understanding of new dimensions of chemistry as well. The course deals with different aspects of Chemistry including organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
  •  BSc Physics - BSc physics is a three-year undergraduate course that deals with the fundamentals of physics and teaches graduates essential topics such as quantum mechanics, Electromagnetism, optics, calculus semiconductors, waves, statistics, etc.
  •  BSc Nautical science- BSc Nautical science covers the concept of nautical motion, navigation and operational process that are required in the development, management, operation, and maintenance of marine vessels
  •  BSc Forestry - BSc Forestry gives the students practical knowledge of healthy growth and maintenance of forested land, woodlands and parks. The forestry program trains students in managing forests, growing new plantations, maintaining old plantations and other natural resources.
  •  BSc Mathematics - B.Sc Mathematics is a 3-year duration undergraduate course that deals with the discipline of mathematics along with the analysis of numbers. It also includes mathematical structure, transition, and space.
  •  BSc Zoology - Bachelor of Science in Zoology is a three-year undergraduate program that deals with the advanced study and research in the field of Biological Oceanography, Ecology, Competitive Physiology, Developmental and Cell Biology, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Zoology etc.
  •  BSc Biology - BSc Biology course is designed to impart knowledge pertaining to ecology, biodiversity, botany and genetics
  •  BSc Optometry - BSc Optometry educates students in the field of optics and eye care.The duration of the course is three years (four years in some universities which include one year of internship).
  •  BSc Statistics - BSc Statistics is a UG course that allows students to understand, learn and use knowledge of statistics and mathematics to have a successful career. The course provides extensive knowledge in concepts of Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics along with logic and proofs.
  •  BSc Food technology - BSc Food technology course covers an advanced study of techniques and activities which are involved in the Preserving, Processing, and Manufacturing of food. Some of the topics covered in the course are Packaging technology, Food microbiology, Food chemistry, and dairy technology etc

See Also:

BSc Books in 1st Year

The important books for BSc 1st year are

Specialisation Books Name Author
BSc IT Computer Organization & Architecture –Designing & Performance William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India.
Digital Electronics-An Introduction to Theory and Practice William H.Gothmann, Prentice Hall of India
Discrete Mathematics and its Application Kenneth H.Rosen
Discrete Mathematics, Schaum Series
Object Oriented Programming Robert Lafore
Programming in C Schaum Series
Software Engineering- A Practitioners Approach R. Pressman, McGraw Hill
. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering Pankaj Jalote, Narosa
Operating Systems with case Studies Achyut S Godbole,TMG.
The Unix Programming Environment Pike rob & Kerningham Brain.
Database Systems and Concepts Henry F. Korth
Principles of Database System Ullman, Galgotia Publication
BSc Food technology Functioning in English Book I & II Dr. P. Bhaskaran, Emerald Publishers, 2018
Environmental Chemistry, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. Banerjee SK (2005)
A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi Dara SS (2005)
Statistical Methods S.P. Gupta, Sultan 2000
Operations Research Hira and Gupta, S. Chand, 2015
Advanced Accountancy T.S. Grewell, 2016.
Food Analysis: Theory and Practice. Y. Pomeranz& C.E. Meloan, Chapman and Hall, 2004.
Introduction to Food Analysis S. Suzanne Nielsen, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2009, USA,n 2009.
Food science, New Age International Publishers (India), 2003 B.Srilakshmi
Foods : Facts and Principles - New Age Publishers, 2004 N Shakuntalamanay, M. ShadaksharaSwamy
Lehninger’s Principles of Biochemistry David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, Macmillan Worth publisher, 2000.
Biochemistry, 4th Edition, WH. Freeman and co., 2000. LubertStryer
Harper’s Biochemistry, 2003. Murray, R.K., Granner, B.K., Mayes, P.A., Rodwell, V.W.,
BSc Agriculture A General Text Book of Entomology A.D. Imms
Text Book of Agricultural Entomology P.M..Srivastava and Ashok Kumar
BSc Computer Science Fundamentals of Database Systems 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe,
Database Management Systems 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002. R. Ramakrishanan, J. Gehrke
Operating Systems Concepts, 8th Edition, John Wiley Publications 2008. A Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, G. Gagne,
BSc Biotechnology Cell Biology and Genetics By P.K. Gupta
Cell and Molecular Biology By De Robertis
Genetics By Gardner (Macmillan Press)
BSc Psychology Organizational Behaviour Newstrom JW
Psychology Foundation B.T. Basavanthappa
Educational Psychology J.W.Santrock
Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy G.Corey
BSc Forensic sciences Inorganic Chemistry Shriver and Atkins
Mycobacteria Protocols Tanya Parish and Amanda Claire Brown
Molecular Diagnostics George P. Patrinos
Physical Evidence in Forensic Science Henry C.
Spoken English Alison Reid
BSc Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry J.E.Huheey
A Text Book of Organic chemistry I L Finar Vol I
A textbook of qualitative inorganic analysis A.I. Vogel
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Vol-I Satyaprakash, Tuli, Basu and Madan
Principles of physical chemistry Prutton and Marron
BSc Physics Elements of properties of matter – D.S. Mathur – S. Chand & Co., 2004.
Properties of matter Brijlal and Subramanian S. Chand & Co., 2006.
Mechanics D.S.Mathur, S.Chand& Co., 2ndEdition (2001)
Properties of Matter R.Murugeshan, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (2001)

See Also:

BSc 1st Year Electives

Elective subjects are crucial in adding valuable knowledge to students that are recent and modern. Students get to know about topics that are happening in the world right now. All BSc Specialisations do not have electives in the first year.

BSc Computer Science First Year Elective Subjects
Computer Graphics Resource Management Techniques
E-Commerce Cloud Computing
Security in Information Technology Security in Information Technology
Computer Networks Software Engineering and testing
BSc Microbiology First Year Elective Subjects
Yoga and Meditation Industrial and Organizational Psychology
NSS Right to Information and Good Governance
Introduction to Information Technology -
BSc Statistics First Year Elective Subjects
Actuarial Statistics Bio-Statistics Data Analytics with R Reliability Analysis
Operations Research -

See AlsoComputer Operator Courses

BSc 1st Year Syllabus

BSc consists of various specialisation such as BSc Nursing, BSc Agriculture, BSc Computer Science, BSc Biotechnology, BSc IT, BSc Microbiology, BSc Psychology etc. The BSc 1st year syllabus for specialisation courses are listed below for proper understanding:

BSc Nursing First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Nursing is listed below: 

First Year
English Nursing Foundations
Anatomy Psychology
Physiology Microbiology
Nutrition Introduction to computers
Biochemistry Regional Language
Co-curricular activities Library Work /Self Study

See Also:

BSc Agriculture First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Computer Agriculture is listed below: 

Semester I Semester II
Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Heritage Fundamentals of Agricultural Meteorology
Agricultural Microbiology Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Information Technology Crop Physiology
Applied Mathematics Principles of Genetics
Principles of Analytical Chemistry Dimensions of Agricultural Extension
Introduction to Agricultural Botany Principles of Agricultural Economics
English for effective communication Fundamentals of Horticulture
National Service Scheme / National Cadet Corps Principles of Environmental Sciences
Physical Education Principles of food science and processing

See Also:

BSc Computer Science First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Computer Science is listed below: 

First Semester Second Semester
Foundation in English Foundation in English
Allied Mathematics - I C Programming
Problem Solving Digital Electronics
Fundamentals of Computing Principles of Programming Languages
Office Automation Laboratory C Programming Laboratory

See Also:

BSc Biotechnology First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Biotechnology is listed below: 

Semester I Semester II
Animal Science Introduction to Microbiology
Plant Science Biochemistry I
Foundations of Chemistry & Biochemistry Cell Biology
Basics of Computer Genetics
Animal Science Lab Introduction to Practical Microbiology
Plant Science Lab Biochemistry I Lab
Foundations of Chemistry & Biochemistry Lab Cell Biology Lab
Computer Fundamentals & C Programming Lab Genetics Lab
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

See Also:

BSc IT First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc IT is listed below :

Semester I Semester II
Communication-I Communication II
Programming in C Basic Mathematics - II
Human Value & Professional Ethics OOPS using C++
Mathematics- I Digital Circuits and Logic Designs
Information Technology Environmental Science
Software Lab-I (Programming in C) Software Lab- III (OOPS using C++)
Software Lab-II (Information Technology) Hardware Lab-1 (Digital Circuits and Logic Designs)

See Also:

BSc Microbiology First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Microbiology is listed below :

Semester - I Semester - II
Introduction to Microbiology and Microbial Diversity Microbial Systematics
Introduction to Biotechnology Industrial Biotechnology
Biochemistry -1 Biochemistry -2
English -1/Hindi-1/Kannada-1 English-2/ Hindi-2/Kannada-2
Constitution of India -

BSc Psychology First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Psychology is listed below : 

First Semester Second Semester
Tamil/French/Hindi Tamil/French/Hindi
English English
Introduction to Psychology Social Psychology
General Psychology Physiological Psychology
Biological Basis of Behavior Experimental Psychology

See Also:

BSc Forensic Sciences First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester II
Basic of Forensic Science Basic of Forensic Science
Basic of Forensic Chemistry Basic of Forensic Chemistry
Basic of Forensic Physics Basic of Forensic Physics
Basic of Forensic Biology Basic of Forensic Biology
Basic of Forensic Psychology Basic of Forensic Psychology
Basic of Digital and Cyber Forensics Basic of Digital and Cyber Forensics
Communication skill/Criminology Communication skill/Criminology
Indian penal code Indian penal code

See Also:

BSc Chemistry First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Chemistry is listed below : 

First Year Second Year
Tamil–I Tamil –II
Hindi –I Hindi –II
French –I French –II
English –I English –II
Structure and Bonding in Chemistry Thermodynamics and Solutions
Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry Inorganic Qualitative Analysis – II
Inorganic Qualitative Analysis – I Allied Mathematics – II
Allied Mathematics – I Basic Computer Skills
Soft Skills Quantitative Attitude and Logical Reasoning –I
- Yoga

See Also: 

BSc Physics First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Physics is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
English I English II
English II/ Common Course I English III/ Common Course II
Second Language I Second Language II
Methodology and Perspectives of Physics Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Complementary I: Mathematics I Complementary I: Mathematics II
Complementary II: Chemistry I Complementary II: Chemistry II
Core Practical I:Mechanicsand Properties of Matter Core Practical I :Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Complementary II Practical I Complementary II Practical I

See Also

BSc Nautical Science First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Nautical Science is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
English & Communication Skills Applied Mathematics Paper – II
Applied Mathematics Paper – I Nautical Physics & Electronics Paper –II
Nautical Physics & Electronics Paper – Voyage Planning & Collision Prevention Paper – I
Principles of Navigation Paper – I Cargo Work & Marine Communication Paper – I
Ship Operation Technology Paper – I Environmental Science Paper – I
Naval Architecture Paper – I Marine Engineering & Control System Paper – I
Practical Navigation Paper – I Chart Work Paper – I

See Also: Diploma in Nautical Science

BSc Forestry First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Forestry is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
Principles of Silviculture Dendrology
Fundamentals of Forest Pathology Practices of Silviculture
Fundamentals of Meteorology Production Technology of Field Crops
Forest Botany and Ethnobotany Principles of Agricultural Economics
Principles of Analytical Chemistry Forest Surveying
English for Effective Communication Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Applied Mathematics Crop Physiology
Fundamentals of Information Technology Principles of Genetics
Physical Education Study Tour to Southern Tamil Nadu
National Service Scheme (NSS) Physical Education (contd.)
- National Service Scheme (NSS) (contd.)

See Also: Forestry Courses

BSc Mathematics First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Mathematics is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
Tamil/Other Languages Tamil/Other Languages
English English
Algebra Calculus
Trigonometry Analytical Geometry of three dimensions
(to choose 1 out of 4)
(For non practical Allied subjects only) (or)
(to choose 1 out of 4)
(For non practical Allied subjects only) (or)
(to choose 1 out of 4) (Theory) III Paper -(For practical Allied subjects) (to choose 1 out of 4) (For practical Allied Subjects)
Environmental Studies Value Education
Soft Skill

See Also:

BSc Zoology First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Zoology is listed below : 

Semester 1 Semester 2
LanguageT/H/F Paper I English
English Paper I/ Functional English Core Paper II Chordata
Core Paper I-Invertebrata Core Zoology Practicals - I
  • Core Zoology
  • practical I
Allied Chemistry Paper - II
  • Allied Chemistry
  • Paper I
Allied chemistry Practical
  • Allied chemistry
  • Practical
Basic Tamil II **/ Advanced Tamil II ** /Self Study Online Courses
  • Basic Tamil - I
  • Advanced Tamil/
  • Women studies/
  • Gandhian Studies/
  • Ambedhkar studies
  • Introduction to
  • Entrepreneurship
Personality development program
  • Language T/H/F
  • Paper II
General Awareness
  • Part II -English
  • Paper II/ Functional
Effective English Communication

See AlsoZoology Courses

BSc Botany First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Botany is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
Fine-tune Your English Issues that Matter
Pearls from the Deep Savouring the Classics
Additional Language Additional Language
Prose and One Act Plays Short stories and Novel
Kathasahithyam Kavitha
Poetry/ Grammar & History of Syriac Language & Literature Poetry/ Grammar & History of Syriac Literature
Methodology of science and an introduction to botany Microbiology, mycology and plant pathology
Methodology of science and an introduction to botany Microbiology, mycology and plant pathology
Non chordate diversity Chordate Diversity
Basic Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry Chordate Diversity
Volumetric analysis Basic Organic Chemistry
- Volumetric analysis

See AlsoBotany Courses

BSc Optometry First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Optometry is listed below : 

First Year
General Anatomy & General physiology Computer Basics & Computer Programming
Basic Biochemistry & Nutrition Functional English& Communications
Ocular Anatomy ,ocular Physiology& biochemistry Mathematics
Physical & Geometric Optics & principles of lighting Kannada
- Basic Accountancy

See AlsoComputer Application Courses

BSc Statistics First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Statistics is listed below : 

Semester - I Semester - II
Statistical Methods-I Statistical Methods-II
Probability Theory Probability Distributions
Practicals Practicals

See Also: Statistics Courses

BSc Food Technology First Year Syllabus

The syllabus for BSc Food Technology is listed below: 

Semester - I Semester - II
English-I English-II
Applied Chemistry Food Analysis Techniques
Business Mathematics Principles of Food Science
Environmental Chemistry Introduction to Biochemistry
Applied Chemistry Lab Food Chemistry Lab-II
Food Chemistry Lab-I Biochemistry Lab

See Also: 

BSc 1st Year Results

College Name Result
St Stephen's College, New Delhi Check Result
Hindu College, New Delhi Check Result
Lady Shri Ram College for Women - [LSR], New Delhi Check Result
Sharda University - [SU], Greater Noida Check Result
Hansraj College - [HRC], New Delhi Check Result
Dyal Singh College Check Result
Gargi College Delhi Check Result
Jesus And Mary College (JMC) Check Result
Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) Check Result
Maitreyi College, Delhi Check Result

Why Study BSc?

There are great opportunities available for BSc graduates.BSc degree courses help students with building strong fundamentals in science-based courses. The benefits of pursuing a BSc degree are listed below: 

  • Extensive Job profiles – The job profiles for BSc candidates include scientists, Research analysts, chemists, Consultants, Clinical research managers, and lecturers in an academic institution
  • Respected Professions - Some of the most respected and popular professions in the country like doctor and engineering require students to have a B.Sc. degree. If students want to become a doctor, they need to be extremely good in PCB (physics, chemistry, and biology), subjects. Students who want to become an engineer, they need to be good in PCM (physics, chemistry and mathematics) subjects. Professions like scientists and lawyers (science-related specializations) also need to have a B.Sc. degree.
  • Job opportunities in research and development fields - A BSc degree can open floodgates of job opportunities in the field of science and R&D sector.
  • Diverse job sectors – BSc degree provides students with the option to work in various sectors such as Hospitals, Chemical industries, Pharmaceutical companies, Forensic crime research, Diagnostic laboratories, Geological survey departments, and many others. 
  • Scholarships – Sometimes, scholarships are given to bright students who want to pursue higher education but require financial aid. Non-governmental and government organizations provide these merit and need-based scholarships

BSc Skills Required

Students must have great skills to excel in their careers. The important BSc skills that students require are listed below: 

  • Artificial Intelligence - Students must understand the ideas that give rise to modern technologies like natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, speech generation, biometrics, and chatbots. Check: AI Courses
  • Analytical Reasoning - Analytical skills are the abilities that allow students to collect, organize, visualize, and assimilate data. They help students to see patterns, draw conclusions, and find solutions that can boost their productivity and the company's bottom-line performance. CheckData Analytics Courses
  • People Management - Patience, Great communication skills, Flexible to change, Ability to listen, and Empathy are some of the important skills required to manage any team efficiently and for great career growth. CheckManagement Courses
  • Excel - Students must know how to perform basic calculations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create visualizations of data through charts and graphs, the ability to produce graphs and tables, use spreadsheets efficiently etc
  • Programming - With the advancement of technology, learning how to program is a must for students. It is important for them to learn how to develop software, web applications, and websites. The most common languages that are in demand are Python, C++, and JavaScript.
  • Cloud computing - Cloud Computing skills are in demand and Students can work as a cloud developer, cloud administrator, and cloud architect. Knowledge of the cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle can be useful for students.
  • Machine learning - Machine Learning is a skill that is useful for programmers and data professionals. It is a subset of artificial intelligence which has become one of the most prominent skills to learn in the technology sphere. Students can start learning basic skills through various online machine-learning courses. 

See Also: 

BSc 1st Year: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in plain BSc 1st year?

Ans. The subjects in BSc Syllabus are Maths, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Home Science, Statistics, Psychology, Nutrition, Forestry, Computer Science, Microbiology, Genetics, Agriculture etc.

Ques. Does BSc have a scope?

Ans. BSc degree has excellent career opportunities. Students can find jobs in the field of management, law, engineering, and science.

Ques. What is the future after BSc?

Ans. Students can opt for courses such as MBAMSc, BEd, LLM or up and coming specialisations like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence after the BSc course.

Ques. Can I do MBA after my BSc?

Ans. Yes, students can pursue MBA after BSc with any specialisation and the basic eligibility criteria for an MBA is a bachelor's degree with minimum marks specified by the university. For some colleges, Students might be required to provide their GMAT scores and work experience is also preferred.

Ques. Can a BSc student do MCA?

Ans. Yes, Students can pursue an MCA after completing their BSc in Computer Science degree. MCA is an excellent and standard program. MCA course will expand student's understanding of the fundamental ideas of Computer Science and better job opportunities.

Ques. Can I do MTech after BSc?

Ans. BSc graduates often opt for MTech courses in their relevant fields in order to gain technical knowledge, skill and experience in that subject which would help them in their career prospects and research opportunities.

Ques. Which is best MBA or MCA after BSc?

Ans. The choice between an MBA and MCA course is dependent upon the career goals and preferences of a candidate. MBA is a better course for candidates who are interested in leadership roles while MCA is more suitable for candidates who want technical roles.

Ques. What are the specialisation in BSc?

Ans. The specialisation courses that are offered in BSc are: 

  •  BSc Nursing
  •  BSc Agriculture
  •  BSc Computer Science
  •  BSc Biotechnology
  •  BSc IT
  •  BSc Microbiology
  •  BSc Psychology
  •  BSc Forensic sciences
  •  BSc Chemistry
  •  BSc Physics
  •  BSc Nautical science
  •  BSc Forestry
  •  BSc Mathematics
  •  BSc Zoology
  •  BSc Biology
  •  BSc Optometry
  •  BSc Statistics
  •  BSc Food technology

Ques. Is a BSc student eligible for NEET?

Answer. Yes, students can apply for the NEET entrance exam after their B.Sc.

Ask your question

Answered Questions


Shruti Singh

13 Oct22

Practicals for first-year B.Sc students are held in February for the July session. Practicals are usually held on Sundays at around 9 a.m. Boys and girls have their rooms. When the assistant finishes the distribution work, the teacher asks you to write two experiments with the aim, requirements, method, theory, and everything with tables. The teacher announces the student's name. He then asks a few questions regarding the same before concluding the practicals. You just have to keep the file handy and create a beautiful piece. Improve your writing abilities.

...Show More


Tanya Mehra

06 Oct22

Delhi University, one of the top universities in the country, of course, offers a B.Tech programme. The main campus of the institution itself offers the course. The colleges under DU offering the programme are as follows:

Acharya Narendra Dev College Mata Sundri Devi College
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College Maitreyi College
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences Miranda House
Daulat Ram College P.G.D.A.V College
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Rajdhani College
Gargi College Ram Lal Anand College
Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences For Women
Hans Raj College Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies
Indraprastha College For Women S.G.G.S. College of Commerce.
Institute of Home Economics S.G.T.B. Khalsa College
Kalindi College Shivaji College
Kamla Nehru Shyama Prasad Mukherji College
Keshav Mahavidyalaya Sri Aurobindo College
Lady Irwin College Sri Venkateswara College
Lady Shri Ram College For Women St. Stephen's College
Maharaja Agrasen College Swami Vivekananda College
Swami Shraddhanand College Zakir Hussain College
If you want to study B.Tech at CIC, you must first fill out an application form on the official DU website, and then you must perform exceptionally well in the entrance exam. If you are accepted, you must pay the admission fee online in order to confirm your admission. Following that, you must report to the reporting location (Room No. 308, Third Floor, Cluster Innovation Center University Stadium, G.C. Narang Road, University of Delhi) and have the necessary documents verified. 
...Show More


Riddhi Goswami

26 Jul22

Here is the details of Fergusson College cutoff for B.Sc. 

Course  Cutoff 
B.Sc Biomedical Sciences 96
B.Sc Chemistry  95
B.Sc Computer Science  95
B.Sc Botany  90
B.Sc Electronics 91
B.Sc Physics 96
B.Sc Zoology  93
B.Sc Mathematics 96
B.Sc Life Science  88

Although the cutoff varies each year, it remains above 85 percentile.

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Disha Yadav,

22 Nov21

No, Holkar Science College might not be a good option for B.Sc. One of my friends studied there and according to him the college lacked many things.

There was no proper infrastructure, Buildings were neglected of proper care and maintenance. The ambience and the student crowd is not healthy. As most of them do not have any ambition or interest in learning new things. The students are also not competitive enough, which makes them less dedicated towards their studies. 

Even the faculties are careless and do not bother much if the student is learning anything or not. They often skip classes which ultimately leads to not completing the syllabus.

No cultural events or extracurricular activities take place here. It is suggested that you look for other options, compare them with it and then finalize.

...Show More


Prodorshita Chatterjee

26 Jul21

IIT Madras is one of the best institutes in India to offer an online B.Sc degree with the flexibility of completing the course in 6 years.

  • The course fees are very reasonable. There is a special 75% fees concession provided to the students with low-income backgrounds, thereby giving them a chance to pursue their careers.
  • At the end of the program, many universities conduct web-based exams in which cheating is impossible. They are kept under the strict supervision of the invigilators.
  • Regular offline quiz exams are conducted in these centers so that the students remain active and keep studying even following the online mode of study.
  • It is seen that the placements of the students pursuing BTech in CSE get very decent packages.
  • There is a high possibility of 80-90% of B.Sc. graduates getting good jobs as well.
Categories B.Sc (online) at IIT Madras
Course Fee 2.42 lakh
Average CTC 6-8 LPA

Last but not least we can say that the overall quality of an online BSc program is very good when compared to other universities or colleges.

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Tejaswini Jha

06 Oct22

As explained by a B.Sc(Hons) Computer Science graduate from DU, there are the following scopes after the course:

  1. Job: If you are studying computer science at a college like Hansraj, KMC, or Venky, you may get a good job or your dream profile in a good company. If you believe and know that you will not be able to find work that is equivalent to your B.Sc Comp Sc, please do not apply. 
  2. Passion for Computers: If you want to go into research while still enjoying computer science, pursue an M.Sc in Comp Sc from DU or another reputable university such as Kolkata University or Bombay University. M.Sc. from DU is good, and you will be placed in good companies. Another possibility is an M.Sc. in Operational Research from DU. 
  3. MBA: MBA is also one of the best scopes for students to go ahead. There is an immense opportunity for good placements and better career options. 

B.Sc (Hons.) in Computer Science has a much broader scope. The field of science and technology is ever-expanding, and the scopes it has to offer are based on research and development principles. When it comes to pursuing a degree such as Computer Science, graduates have numerous options. They may conduct field research or pursue careers in more financially lucrative fields. For BSc graduates, there are numerous job opportunities available.

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Tanvi Agarwal

31 Oct22

The duration of IGNOU BSc practical depends on the credits of the particular course you have opted for.

For example, if your practical course is a 4 credit course, then you have to learn lab work in that particular course within a 13 days period. 

  • Sign on the attendance sheet daily during this period

  • Maintain observation record of your practical work in your practical record book

  • At the end of the day evaluate your practical records with your professor.

  • On the 14th day, appear for the practical examination and viva.

Normally you get a minimum of 60% in the practical exam. You will lose these marks if you miss the practical exam.

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Aditya Gupta

18 Nov22

Every competitive exam requires preparation in order to crack it. This preparation should be based on proper strategies and rules. 

Some basic tips to crack the BHU entrance exam for BSc are:

  • Study the previous year's papers thoroughly. You will get an idea about the important topics, the nature of questions asked, and a general pattern of the paper. BHU offers these papers on its own official website also.

  • Go through the syllabus mentioned on the official website for the entrance exam.

  • Buy additional books and solve them. Also, solving mocks will give you confidence.

  • Your base should be clear and strong. Be well versed with numerical as well as basic formulae.

These tips combined with your own confidence and determination will give you amazing results.

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Diksha Grover

02 Jun21

Yes, Sharda University is good for a B.Sc (Honours) degree. This course is that it is a more standard degree than B.Sc (general) degree as well as it is more specialized. 

  • You will learn about the specific subject more than in a regular B.Sc degree.
  • The faculty are also experienced and quite helpful. You will learn quite a few things from them during the three years on campus. 
  • You can opt for pure sciences like - chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc., and learn about them in detail.
  • Other than the pure science subjects, B.Sc in Animation and VFX are full of opportunities in the well-developed media industry.
  • Only Sharda University offers this specialized industry-oriented course.

The campus is spread in a generous area at Greater Noida in UP and it is a very multi-disciplinary campus. If you make friends with the right kind of students, you will learn a lot more than just your subjects. This will definitely broaden your horizon.

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Prashant Mathur

12 Oct22

 In today's world, getting a bachelor's degree from any college isn't worth much.

DU has a brand name, but if your overall grades aren't good enough, having a degree from Delhi University is pointless.

By providing many resources and an intellectual environment, Delhi University will assist you in exploring various aspects of your personality.

However, if you have a bachelor's degree in any of the Science subjects or even Mathematics, you will need to do a master's or even a PhD to get a decent-paying job.

However, if you are an SRCC or Stephens graduate, you may be able to get a good placement from the college itself if you have a degree in Arts or Commerce with above-average marks.

The best colleges vary depending on your subject, such as SRCC for those interested in commerce. Stephen's is also regarded as one of the most prestigious universities. Other good colleges include Miranda House, Hindu, and Lady Shri Ram.

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