Ques. Where is SIES Graduate School of Technology located ?
Ans. SIES Graduate School of Technology is located at Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra which is considered as the educational hub of Mumbai.
Ques. Does SIES Graduate School of Technology provide hostel facilities to students?
Ans. No, SIES Graduate School of Technology does not provides hostel facilities to their students. But there are multiple options for the students to avail at private hostels.
Ques. Who are the recruiters at this SIES Graduate School of Technology?
Ans. AWS, IBM, Infosys, HDFC, Amul, TCS, TechM, Capgemini, JSW, Hexaware, Reliance etc are some of its notable recruiters.
Ques. Does SIES Graduate School of Technology have an M.Tech programme?
Ans. No, SIES Graduate School of Technology has no M.Tech or Ph.D program. It only offers B.tech program in five specialisation.
Ques. Does SIES Graduate School of Technology provide scholarships to their students?
Ans. Yes, the University offers scholarships to their students with a condition that any student can avail only one scholarship at a time