• B.Com Management Studies at Humber College is offered as a full-time basis for a duration of 4-year with honours.
  • Humber College was ranked 71st position among the colleges of Canada by the 2019 ranking reports of Webometrics.
  • In Humber college, 79% of programs offer work placement opportunities.
  • The program is based on the seven traditional management functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting) and gives the student the necessary skills and knowledge to: develop business strategies analyze issues from various perspectives apply classroom work to industry-connected projects integrate transferable skills such as interpersonal interaction, communication and organization to all classroom and project work.
  • This course can be taken as a Co-op (co-operative education) program which provides students internship opportunity.
  • The Employment rate of Humber College is 85%.
  • The living cost range in Canada is 4,500 USD – 10,800 per year.
  • The average salary goes up to 60,500 USD after completing this program.
  • Students have career opportunities to work as:
    • Sales Manager
    • Human Resource Manager
    • Finance Manager
    • Project Manager