• MFA in Visual Arts at York University is offered as a 2-years.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time (5 terms) basis only.
  • The MFA in Visual Arts is a five-term studio-centered program in which students independently develop an art practice, guided by faculty advisors who share their practice/theory interests. 
  • The overall aim of the MFA program is to provide graduate students the necessary challenges and opportunities to develop: 1) A mature and critical studio practice that engages with contemporary art forms, practices, and ideas; 2) A strong theoretical base in support of studio practice; 3) A clear sense about future intentions and directions.
  • MFA in Visual Arts seeks to provide students with the ability to think rigorously about their art practice and its relation to society as a whole.
  • The MFA program consists of 18 credits.