• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at York University is offered as a 3-year teaching program.
  • This course is offered on both a full-time and part-time basis.
  • This Computer Science program is offered as BA and BSc degrees.
  • In the BA program, students will complement studies with courses from the Liberal Arts (e.g., humanities, social sciences).
  • In this BSc program, the complementary courses will be in the sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics).
  • Students may also choose one of the three International Honours degrees – iBA, iBSc, or the Dual Specialized degree.
  • In the iBA or iBSc degree, students will add a study abroad component to learning, with culture and language courses of exchange destination.
  • The International Dual degree leads to two degrees, one from York and one from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University in Germany while completion of the undergraduate thesis at the University of Crete in Greece!
  • Some courses students will take 
    • Data Structures
    • Software Design
    • Database Systems
    • Data Mining
    • User Interfaces
  • After the second year, the co-op program can provide students with valuable experience, giving students an early start with the career.
  • Students have many job opportunities as follows:
    • Software Engineer
    • Computer Programmers,
    • Video Game Programmers,
    • Building E-Commerce Systems, etc., with an average salary of around 30,000 USD per year.