The Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies (GDS) is a broadly interdisciplinary program designed to equip students with the critical academic knowledge, skills, and experience required to function effectively as development professionals in Canada or abroad or to continue on to graduate or other professional studies.

In addition to learning history and theory of development processes, and analyzing current global practices, international or domestic internships provide opportunities to make contacts and build skills.

The program:

  • Equips students with strong advocacy, problem-solving, research, and writing skills.
  • Promotes intercultural dialogue locally and abroad by drawing on topics in economics, political science, anthropology, sociology, and communications.
  • Presents unique internship opportunities with development organizations in Canada and internationally so you can apply what you learn in a global context.
  • Develops focused disciplinary knowledge and skills by fulfilling requirements for a minor or an interdisciplinary concentration.
  • Grounds them in the history and theory of global development processes and examines current debates in development practice.