• The University of Saskatchewan offers a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a duration of 4 years.
  • This course is offered on a full-time and part-time basis also. This program is provided both on-campus and off-campus.
  • This program provides students with intensive training in the scientific enterprise for those wishing to pursue academic or industrial research careers.
  • Graduates of this program are qualified to seek positions in the research and development units of large technology companies or to pursue independent research careers as university professors.
  • In support of the project, they are looking for graduate students in the following fields:
    • Data acquisition and analysis
    • Bioinformatics for linking genotypes to phenotypes
    • Big data analytics
    • Web systems and collaboration
    • Algorithmic modeling of digital plants
  • In addition to potential funding from the department, there are scholarships and awards available to all eligible students.
  • The faculty and student ratio for this program are 1:17.