• The University of Saskatchewan offers a BSc in Geological Engineering with a duration of 4 years (8 semesters).
  • This course is offered on a full-time basis. This program is provided both on-campus and off-campus.
  • Students work to find and develop the resources that society needs for its survival and in the disposal of society’s wastes in a manner that results in the least possible disturbance to the environment.
  • Also work to design and develop stable building foundations, bridges, dams, highways, landfill sites, and waterways.
  • Students will apply engineering principles to the natural materials and fluids found in the earth, including rocks, soils, groundwater, petroleum, and natural gas.
  • Students can take the following featured classes while pursuing this program:
    • Engineering Geology
    • Rock Mechanics
    • Petroleum Geomechanics
  • The faculty and student ratio for this program are 1:17.