• The University of Saskatchewan offers a BA in Philosophy with a duration of 4 years (8 semesters).
  • This course is offered on a full-time and part-time basis also. This program is provided both on-campus and off-campus.
  • Through this program, students will discover philosophy touches on almost every area of study, as all major developments in biology, economics, mathematics, physics, and psychology started out as philosophical hypotheses.
  • In this program, students will examine morality, the nature of the mind, and the structure of human thinking and will engage in critical and creative thinking about fundamental questions, such as what is meant by a worthwhile life, and etc.
  • Students can take the following featured classes while pursuing this program:
    • Philosophy of Sexuality
    • Philosophy of Law
    • Topics in Philosophy of Mind
  • The faculty and student ratio for this program are 1:17.