• The University of Windsor offers two master-level engineering programs — the Master of Engineering (MEng) and the Master of Applied Science (MASc).
  • The MEng is a course-based program designed for working professionals or recent graduates who want to increase their knowledge in multiple, advanced topics.
  • Graduates of the MEng program can apply to UWindsor’s fast-track MASc program, which provides them with additional research-specific training and education and allows students to progress to the PhD level. 
  • Program transfers are possible between the MASc and MEng programs.
  • Full-time students must complete this program in 3-5 semesters. Part-time students must complete within 15 semesters.
  • An MEng Degree may be awarded upon successful completion of a total of eight courses (the MEng has no research component/thesis/work with a faculty supervisor.) Of these eight courses:

    • Four courses must be from the student's department (major; mechanical)
    • Plus four required courses to be taken in the first or second semester of the program: Computational Methods and Modeling for Engineering Applications; Engineering Technical Communications; Engineering Mathematics; and Engineering Project Management
    • Co-op program is optional and students must apply for admission in their first study term.
    • No funding or scholarships are available.