• The Bachelor of Arts in Criminology is a 4-year program with Honours at the University of Windsor.
  • This program is designed for individuals who are seeking to prepare for a career in Law.
  • The main topics of the program are:
    • Foundations of Social Life
    • Introduction to Criminal Justice
    • Youth in Conflict with the Law
    • Policing and Security
    • Drugs and Society
    • Surveillance and Society
  • This program is designed to give in-depth knowledge for students intending a lifelong involvement in the areas of criminology and criminal justice, particularly those in research, government work, and careers in the criminal justice system.
  • The employment rate of this program is 93%.
  • The program is flexible and gives a great variety of career opportunities.
  • The Faculty to student ratio is 1:16 which bridges the gap between the faculty and students.