Because it is a broad-based cross-cultural discipline, anthropology can serve as a strong educational fundation for careers in business, law, international relations, politics, medicine, and teaching at the baccalaureate level.

An editorial from USA Today called anthropology the "new hot degree for aspiring executives." Graduate studies in anthropology can lead to rewarding careers in the university setting or in the field.

Forensics is a fast developing field in which it is anticipated anthropology will play a major part. Law enforcement agencies all over the world are emplying anthropology graduates in all capacities of criminal investigation.

Specific careers supported with an anthropology degree would include museums, environmental agencies, conversation groups, the Army Corps of Engineers, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, historic preservation offices, highway and parks departments, consulting firms, travel agencies, intelligence agencies, etc. Salaries could start in the high $20,000 to low $30,000 range.