The curriculum is designed to expose students to both ?scientific and applied aspects of the discipline, and majors become familiar with theory and research. Laboratory experience and research methodology are integral parts of courses at all levels.

A modern facility, a talented faculty, and a wide range of research opportunities make Wooster a good choice for ?students interested in psychology. Psychology majors at Wooster can conduct research through the Pew Sophomore Research Program which is designed spec?ifically to encourage sophomores to become involved in projects with faculty. In some cases this research has resulted in papers with faculty that have been published in scholarly journals and presented at ?professional conferences.

The psychology department is located in Burton D. Morgan Hall. There are facilities for research in neuroscience and physiological processes, labs for the study of cognition and of ?perception, and rooms designed for the observation and recording of social behavior. In addition, psychology majors have an opportunity to work with young students from Wooster?s nursery school, which is located across the street from Morgan Hall.