Advances in knowledge and technology allow us, for example, to examine minute changes in gene expression, to reveal the source of nutrients via isotopic ratios, quantify the effects of light pollution on aquatic communities, and re-construct the evolution of animal populations and generation of new species.

The faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences maintain high standards for both teaching and research. Indeed several of our faculty members have been awarded The Pinanski Teaching prize to honor their fine teaching. We believe that the best science learning is achieved when paired with hands-on experience. Nearly all courses offered by the department include a laboratory or field-based component where students can design and perform their own experiments.

Our faculty actively pursue extramural funding to support research programs that also train undergraduate students who act as collaborators in the development of that research. The Department is housed in the Science Center where our state of the art equipment and facilities are available to students during courses and for those that take the opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty in their independent research and honors theses projects. Our beautiful 700 acre campus also serves as an invaluable experimental and learning resource.

Multiple and diverse opportunities to communicate your love of science and contribute to the community are available through the Science Outreach Program.