They collaborate with scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and other international organizations. Research scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, environmental firms, the Smithsonian Institution and other agencies in the Washington, D.C., area augment the full-time faculty, providing a broad capability for education and hands-on training.

Related majors include anthropology, archaeology, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, economics, hominid paleobiology and physics.

The program equips students with knowledge about a broad range of geological topics, including mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy and applied environmental applications, all with an emphasis on field-based studies. Students graduate from the program with an understanding of the complex structure of the Earth and the processes operating within the atmosphere, oceans and solid Earth.

Many students majoring in the geological sciences continue in graduate programs in geology or environmental science. Others find employment in energy resource development, basic geological research or the environmental sector.

The Geological Sciences program is offered at George Washington University.