Our students learn strategies to address complex challenges and apply their skills in the development of a wide variety of objects, environments,?and processes. We believe in a human-centered collaborative approach that enables our students to create meaningful solutions that will impact everything from smart digital devices to healthcare services. We are looking for students who are critical, analytical thinkers who want to make a difference and push boundaries in design.

Our program focuses on the intersection of innovation and community engagement across the everyday behaviors of digital and physical environments, services, products,?and systems. Students establish solid foundations in applying service design, prototyping, narrative interaction, and other theoretical concepts to interactive experiences, services, and tools in order to elevate them to leaders in their field. The program emphasizes both individual and collaborative skills for approaching problem solving and design solutions. Students will also learn to apply quantitative and qualitative user research and other historical, political, and theoretical research to their design development. By the end of the program, students will feel confident in their ability to professionally defend their design concepts in addressing the needs of clients and users

The Interaction Design program is offered at George Washington University.