To earn the M.S. degree in Geology at Baylor University, at least twelve semester hours of credit must be earned from 5000-level courses, as part of the graduate program. No more than six semester hours of credit may be earned in special problems. Only six hours of summer graduate field course credits will be permitted to count toward the twenty-four hours of course work needed for the M.S. degree.

The mission of the Geology Department at Baylor University is to develop, apply and transmit scientific knowledge about the Earth and Earth's systems throughout its 4.6 billion year history. Our mission includes:

  • Provision of high-quality undergraduate and graduate education, including development of techniques for enhancing geoscience education;
  • Development of geoscience students as scientists and as highly competent practitioners;
  • Education of Baylor's general student population about Earth and its natural systems;
  • Development of new knowledge through scientific research;
  • Effective communication of new knowledge to the global geoscience community;
  • Application of geoscience knowledge to address practical problems affecting human society, including stewardship of the natural world;
  • Service as a source of reliable geoscience information within the university community and beyond; and
  • Maintenance of an environment within the Geology Department characterized by mutual support, respect and kindness.