The B.F.A. degree in Art Education (with K-12 certification in art) is a four and one-half to five-year professional undergraduate degree program intended for students who desire to teach at the primary or secondary levels (grades K-12), and who desire professional training as a visual artist in one of the above listed studio emphasis areas. This degree is cooperatively offered between the Department of Art and the School of Education, so students will develop competencies in professional education and in specific studio areas.

The University of South Dakota art education program centers on real-world application and demonstration of skills. The unique methods courses provide the on-the-ground teaching experience that will give students confidence and prepare them to be creative leaders and teachers before they begin student teaching. The courses are designed to work with an individual student and guide them for success in the classroom. Graduates will be prepared to apply for a K-12 teaching license, have the ability to translate language and process into a teaching philosophy, and inspire their students through art and design.