Computer scientists and computer information systems professionals use computers to solve problems by programming, analyzing, designing and implementing software systems. They deal with theoretical components related to computers and to issues with hardware. Jobs in the field of computer science and computer information systems are in high demand and graduates in these disciplines are prepared for a variety of positions in the field of science, technology, engineering, education, business and more. The computer science and computer information systems majors at Valdosta State University prepare students to enter the workforce and many students in the program find part-time jobs in the field while they continue their studies.

The Program Educational Objectives (PEO?s) for the Computer Science program are shown below. PEO's are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. The Program Educational Objectives form the framework for the curriculum for the Computer Science program at VSU as well as support the mission of the department, college, and university.

  • Graduates will distinguish themselves in breadth of perspective and the ability to solve complex problems.
  • Graduates will work effectively in groups that include other computer scientists, and stakeholders from other disciplines,
  • effectively communicating with their peers, customers, supervisors, and others through both written and oral means.
  • Graduates will know how to teach themselves new concepts and technologies, remaining current in their field through the pursuit of life-long learning.

A degree in CS can lead to many different kinds of jobs dealing with computers and with people: computer programmer, software engineers, software architect, help-desk, networking specialist, computer-system manager, consultant, database analyst, computer training specialist, and others are all possible careers. It also prepares students for graduate work in CS or CIS.