The success of the Ph.D. program depends on extensive involvement by members of the Accountancy faculty, and on effective communication between Accountancy faculty members and Ph.D. students. Faculty involvement includes teaching Ph.D. courses and seminars, encouraging Ph.D. students to participate in research projects, guiding research performed by Ph.D. students, and participating in the administration of the Ph.D. program through service as faculty mentors, course work advisory committee members and dissertation supervisory committee members. Ph.D. students are encouraged to maintain scholarly dialogues with faculty members throughout their tenure in the program.

Illinois’ seminal contributions to graduate accountancy education began with the awarding of the department’s first master’s degree in 1922 and its first Ph.D. in 1939. Our distinguished faculty are world-renowned, with research and teaching expertise that is unrivaled. Almost every specialization in accounting research is represented in Illinois’ large and diverse faculty, making Illinois an ideal place for a Ph.D. student in accountancy.