Students in this concentration must complete the Teacher Education Minor in Secondary School Teaching. Time to degree completion varies. Minimum time to completion is 8 semesters, some students may require 10 semesters. Transfer students may need 10 total semesters combined to complete the program.

To remain in good standing in this program and be recommended for certification, candidates are required to maintain UIUC, cumulative, content area, and professional education, grade-point averages of 2.5 (A= 4.0). Candidates should consult their advisor or the Council on Teacher Education for the list of courses used to compute these grade-point averages.

The Physics Concentration is a flexible program for students who plan to pursue technical or professional careers in areas requiring a sound grounding in physical science and mathematics. Students can use the concentration to prepare for employment immediately upon graduation or for continuing on to graduate study in a wide variety of fields.