Departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, in addition to their own disciplinary majors, have developed and sponsor an interdisciplinary program of study, which encompasses several distinct programs designed to acquaint students in a coherent manner with topics that cross disciplinary boundaries. Administered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the interdisciplinary studies major includes program concentrations in American Civilization, Jewish Studies, Medieval Studies, and Renaissance Studies.

Although it is not possible to offer concentrations in all specialties or topics of humanistic study, students whose interests do not coincide with one of the specific concentrations are encouraged to consider developing their own programs through the Individual Plans of Study (IPS) major. Enrollment in the major in interdisciplinary studies requires election of one of the concentrations. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences also sponsors an Interdisciplinary Minor in Science and Technology in Society.

Each concentration of the major in interdisciplinary studies is supervised by faculty members whose own scholarship and educational interests have involved them in interdisciplinary teaching and research. An advisor for students is available in each concentration and is responsible for approving students' plans of study.