Political science is the study of government, public policy, and the political behavior of individuals and groups. Political science uses humanistic and scientific perspectives to examine relationships among societies and nations in all countries and regions of the world. The major introduces students to concepts in politics, policy issues, and the structure of governments. Students interested in law, civil service, or foreign service should consult a department advisor regarding an appropriate course of study. The Ideas and Methods specialization studies philosophical, normative and empirical approaches to the study of political life with a focus on the problems of democracy, liberty, authority, obligation, and ideology.

The knowledge of government, public policy, and political behavior, as well as philosophical, normative, and empirical approaches to the study of political life gained from a major in Political Science in the Ideas and Methods concentration provides a strong career foundation. Graduates in Ideas and Methods might work as analysts, policy advisers, campaign or political staffers, educators, or activists. This major is also excellent preparation for law school or graduate studies in public administration or public health policy.