The objective of physics is to discover the basic components of matter and the nature of the physical world, and to formulate a mathematical description of the laws that govern their behavior. Physics encompasses concepts applied to problems in geology, biology, chemistry, and other disciplines. A teaching major is also offered, leading to certification to teach in Arizona public schools. A new BA option is designed for students who want to pursue careers in other fields. It allows students to double-major in physics and an unrelated field.

The knowledge of thermodynamics, optics, mechanics, magnetism, and other topics in physics, as well as advanced mathematics, research methods, analysis, language, and culture gained from a Bachelor of Arts in Physics forms a valuable career foundation. BA graduates in Physics might pursue careers in teaching, research, consulting, and outreach with schools and universities, government agencies, and private industry. A Physics major is also excellent preparation for graduate study in physics, hydrology, astronomy, and other fields.A teaching major is also offered, leading to certification to teach in Arizona public schools