The knowledge gained from the Computer Engineering concentration in the Electrical and Computer Engineering major of mathematics, circuit theory, software design, computer architecture, and systems analysis provides a strong career foundation. Graduates may work as hardware or software engineers, systems specialists, consultants, or project managers in businesses, organizations, and departments in almost any field.

Our program educational objectives have been defined by the faculty with input from our ECE Affiliates and ECE alumni. They are related to abilities of our graduates three to five years after graduation.

Objective 1: Technical Proficiency. Building on fundamental knowledge, graduates should continue to develop technical skills within and across disciplines in electrical and computer engineering or in closely related fields.

Objective 2: Professional Growth. Graduates should develop and exercise their capabilities for life-long learning to enhance their technical and non-technical skills.

Objective 3: Management Skills. Graduates should develop and refine their knowledge and skills for management, communication, and professional ethics.